Thursday, April 26, 2012

26 More Days

Wow. Each time I sit down to write, I cannot believe how quickly time has passed. There are only 26 school days left. I remember writing about my first day back in August 2011, excited, nervous, not even thinking about the 'end'. Now, it's almost here! So much has been going on at school. Again, I never know where to begin, so excuse the word vomit.
     I am very excited for the upcoming Talent Show. Any student from grades 4-8 are able to participate. Thus far, 5 of my private students are participating. I am so excited to see them perform. They have all come leaps and bounds from the beginning of the year. One student, an 8th grader, came to me with a piece of music even I had trouble playing. Yet she was determined to learn it. I was able to tweek the arrangement a bit so she could manage better. And by golly, she has the entire song almost memorized. I think this is amazing. She also found out she got accepted into her first choice high school after she appealed their decision of rejection. I previously blogged about writing her a recommendation letter. It's so cool to see that process turn into a positive situation! Also, there is another student, 5th grade, who I have been asking to participate in the show. He is such an amazing dancer! One class, I played a song from their playlist. This boy closed his eyes and danced the entire song. I haven't seen anything like his moves..well, maybe never! But he just won't give in. Bribery? I think possibly.
     The Glee Club is also performing for the Talent Show. They will be singing between acts. Of course the girls are in a tizzy about it. "You mean we have to sing in front of the school?" "YES! Isn't that exciting??" They are really starting to sound great, though, united as a group. It's fun too because I get to fill in on parts and sing with them. It's really cool.
     BOOMWHACKERS. Attention Music Teachers: You all know BOOMWHACKERS well. Save them for the end of the year! FYI: BOOMWHACKERS are 'instruments' made of plastic in the shape of long tubes. Different lengths play different pitches. You can hit them on anything. They are different colors. They make noise. They are awesome. The 1st and 2nd grades have been using them for two weeks. It is highly entertaining to watch the students march around the room banging these things on everything and LOVING it! I have been laughing constantly.
     ROCK N ROLL HISTORY. Grades 5-8 have begun the long and winding road of rock 'n' roll. All grades learned briefly (and I mean, if they remember Bill Haley and Elvis it's a success) about the 50s, the beginning of rock. Now, each grade is learning about a different decade. 5th grade=60s, 6th grade=70s, 7th grade=80s, 8th grade=90s. Each grade is doing a 'research project' about the band/group/artist they drew from an envelope. Of course, I left out the artists they already know! Today the 8th grade drew. Here are some comments: "How do I pronounce this? Rage and the Machine?" "Ace of Base... Are they good?" Sophie B. Hawkins...okay...", "Miss Courchaine, May I please pick a different group?" Miss Courchaine, "Do YOU know who Hootie and the Blowfish is??" haha. I was cracking up. The 90s were such a train wreck! But I am really excited to see what these kids come up with. All in all, most students from all grades seem excited about the project so that's a double bonus. Plus, it is an easy progression and lesson plan for next year. Score.
     ADOLESCENT BOYS. Let's see... this week I had a 7th grade boy ask me out in front of his class. I had 3 8th grade boys, who come to 'hang' in my room twice a week during study, talk to me about their parties, and 'freedom', and I had the entire Glee Club trying to fill me in on which boys they like this week. How funny. Man, do you remember your Junior High years?? What an awkward stage. My first french kiss was Spring of 7th grade. I was mortified!!! It was so weird and foreign. I will say, most of the kids I teach are still innocent...most. However, there are some that have already experienced way too much for their own good. They are so young!!! Drugs and sex aren't just left to high school, college, or beyond anymore. My, how times have changed. Again, I think I've written on this subject before!
     Lastly, it is not official yet, but there is a great possibility I will be taking over the Youth Choirs if I stay at my school next year. This could mean many things: More students joining choir, because they all know me and see me consistently, more pay, and possibly some benefits. This would be phenomenal. Do you know how difficult it is to survive on a part-time private school salary?? I REALLY do not want to take on another bar job, or any job for that matter, to supplement my income. I am too old. I ask that you pray for me and this possible transition/promotion.
     As always, I have to thank you all for reading, following, and supporting my first year of teaching. I am thankful I've been able to document this monumental time. I am also thankful that I have re-discovered my passion for writing. It is such a powerful thing to write. Put things down in black and white. See your thoughts stare you straight back. I encourage everyone to try it. Keep a journal. Write your thoughts. Reflect.