Monday, August 20, 2012

New school, new teacher...again

     I never expected to get the call I did back in mid May. It was a call from the Music Dept Chair at Saint Patrick High School. Granted, I do have history with St. Pat's since I student taught there but was not expecting to hear that the Choir teacher was leaving. At the time of this phone call, I had no intentions of leaving my current school. Heck! I just got my bearings after 9 months! After hearing the position at St. Pat's was only part-time, I declined any interest in the job. Afterall, I was already part-time. Why change schools for the same deal? However, in early June I received another call. This time it was from the big guy, Dr. Schmidt, the principal and President elect. He gave me the logistics of the job, what would be offered, and asked if I was interested in coming in for an interview.
     Hmmm, my mind went in a million directions. Thoughts were scattered across the board. What they were offering, I could not say no to. But, I just told my current principal, students, parents, that I would be back next year ready to rock. I was very conflicted but decided it wouldn't hurt to 'check out' St. Pat's. Well, they offered me the job. And, after much deliberation, I took it. Careerwise, it was an opportunity I could not pass up. Yet, my heart was hurting because I knew I had to break the news to my other school. I had built such wonderful relationships at St. Tars, especially with the students whom I taught privately. Luckily, school was already out and I didn't have to tell those darling little faces in person. Call me a coward, but it would've been WAY too hard to see their reactions when they found out I wasn't coming back. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they were crying and throwing fits, I'm not even saying they cared, but I did receive many emails from parents stating their sadness with me leaving. I also received many emails from parents who still want me to teach their kids privately. That aspect really makes me feel good. I guess I did one thing right in my year there. But, let's fast forward...
     Now I am the Choral Director at Saint Patrick High School in Chicago, IL. This is oldest school for boys going into their 152nd year. It is a Lasallian school meaning they adhere to the practices of Saint John Baptist De La Salle. He is the patron Saint of all teachers of children and adolescents. He founded the Lasallian School for boys nearly three centuries ago. He wrote many books on the 'etiquette' of teaching, rules for teaching unruly young men. The mission of Lasallian education is simply providing a human and Christian to the young, especially the poor. Our school adheres to just that. It is an amazing environment for young men to be taught not just curriculum, but how to be respectful young gentlemen. My new principal relayed a quote from a St. Pat's donor: Dr. Schmidt, "Why do you keep giving money to our school after all these years?" Donor, "because you take hooligans and turn them into fine young men." It really is an amazing school.
     Anyhoo, my title is Choral Director, but I am also teaching a Percussion Ensemble and an Introduction to Music course, plus two choirs and an acapella group. I kinda wish my title was something like "Music Teacher Afficianado" lol. It is awesome for me because I did student teach these exact courses. However, as I've already found out, it is WAY different being the actual teacher rather than just being there for 8 weeks.         
     This past Friday, only Freshmen were present. Today was the first all-school day. Mind you, it was only a half day but I really got a feel for the guys I'll be teaching this semester. It is EXCITING!!! Most of them are also excited to be back to school, ready and willing to learn...but I can already tell there's a handful of guys who are going to try and push me...the great thing is, though, I have tremendous support when it comes to disciplining students. Every single thing is outlined in the student handbook. Students may get fined for certain things, receive detentions, disciplinary notices, up to expultion. It will be interesting to see the dynamic of my classes when that first detention is handed out. Don't get me wrong, I do not want to give any detentions. But, lets face it, it's gonna happen.
     My first choir is Men's Chorus. Although this is an audition ensemble, anyone is accepted and any grade may join. Over half of this choir is new. Most have never sung with an ensemble before. There are 25 guys. It seems like a fun bunch and I hope we can do some damage in the music making arena. The second choir is Honor's Chorus. This is audition only and comprised of the 'best of the best' singers in the school. Currently, there are 18 members. It's interesting coming into this situation with the choirs already chosen. I did not have the privilege of placing these gents. That was the old teacher. Even today there were remarks about first-time choristers being placed in Honor's and "how did that happen?" "hmm, that's interesting that you're here." "I'm gonna have words with Mr. Lea". (the old director). Se la vie! My auditions are being held Wed-Fri in class! I need to hear ya guys!! Although I can't switch students from choir to choir at this point, I can still place ya in the proper section! ...I'm laughing as I write partly because I think this is funny but mostly because I'm laughing at silly music teacher humor:) We really are some of the nerdiest folk around! Once I get all the rep firmly locked, I will post a blog specifically to that...but let's just say 'Lux Arumque' by Eric Whitacre is in the plans!! FYI, if you've never heard of this composer or this piece, I highly suggest you it.
     I will also be supervising the Drum Line at a few football games. I know, I know. What do I know about drumline?? Well, not much but I do know how to start and end an ensemble and...I love football?! It will be a fun way to interact with the student body. Lastly, I never thought I would say this, but I am super excited to be heading to Soldier Field this Saturday. Our football team is playing their Kick-off game there!! How cool is that? Go Shamrocks! I will also be chaperoning the Homecoming Dance in two weeks. Again, I really want to dive into the Shamrock culture as much as possible. I am lucky to know many of the teachers from my previous experience. It is really cool to have colleagues who are in my age bracket, excited about their jobs, and excited to interact with the students as well.
     After having my first summer off...EVER, I finally feel like I am ready to tackle the new challenges ahead. I feel honored and blessed to be in this position and I cannot wait to see how the year unfolds. I have prayed about my career, where I'd like to be, and that it happen in a timely manner, but I am amazed everyday how God truly does answer our prayers. He helps us nurture our own wants and needs in ways we cannot understand. I continue to turn to Him for guidance every single day and He continues to bless me every single day. I ask for your prayers as this new school year begins. In many ways, these writings are a way to reflect, define, and build my own ideas of being a teacher. I thank all of you for your continued support and interest in my posts. It is extremely humbling to hear from so many of you that you enjoy my blog and interest in it continuing. THANK YOU!!