Saturday, April 20, 2013

The end is in sight

     As I sat pondering what the title of this was post to be, I had few ideas. It's been so long since I've sat down to write, it's crazy to think the year is almost over. It has truely been a tremendous year. I've never been happier in my life and time is flying! School is out on May 28th. I can't believe there are only 25 days left...not that I'm counting. My time this year at St Pat's has kept me on my toes. Those boys really did give me a run for the money. But, I think we all know who the winner is :).
      First semester was a beast. Thankfully, second semester has been decent and much improved. The students are on board with my teaching style and that has allowed me to explore other teaching methods. My first class of the day is Intro to Music. I've been struggling with getting the kids involved this semester. Since it's the first class, many are tardy and most sleepy. Making an ass and being extremely goofy got somewhat of a rise from them but they were not retaining much information. I decided to teach the next unit, Rock and Roll, in the computer lab. Luckily, it's always open A Period. They have been doing research thru prompt questions and writing an essay on each. I've corrected many, many drafts. But! They are finally writing some decent papers, even in the correct MLA format. I didn't give them due dates told them they need to make corrections before I give the grade. This has really worked. The students are working so well, appreciating the writing critiques, and learning about music. If they have to re-read and edit their paper, they are reading the same information. Therefore, lots of repetition in this unit. I really hope it works. Their papers are starting to be quite entertaining with students experimenting on their own ideas and thoughts. This experience has reiterated that I love English. Is that weird? lol. But, I really enjoy writing and reading. I enjoy the structure of writing the perfect paper and it (thanks to God) seems to come quite naturally to me. So, I've been considering getting my English Certification. It's an idea and I'll write about that experience too if it happens!
     So, there were two experiences that stand out to me this semester. The first was working on the production of "Oliver". I was the musical director and pianist. This was quite interesting as I was able to manage conducting with head bobs. It took much practice but the guys really followed me well. We had a small pit of 8. It was a great experience and I learned so much about how a show is put together.
     The second event took place in New York City...with 50 boys...over spring break...
Yep, I actually did that...took a bus...14 hrs one way...with 50 smelly boys...over spring break.
Anyways, it turned out alright and I bonded with many of the students. There are some really great gentlemen in the group.
     The percussion and choir concerts are coming up quickly. I'm excited for the percussion guys because they sound really great. They are performing a song on buckets which is cool. Then they are moving to all percussion, mallets, etc to perform a piece that sounds extraterrestial. Lastly, they are performing a Michael Jackson and Prince mash-up. It sounds really awesome and they put it together so quickly!
     The choir concert should be a feat. I feel much more comfortable with it because the choirs sound really great, but I still have a lot of work before then! The honor's choir that I griped about so thoroughly first semester has actually come together. They sound so much better than at the beginning of the year. I'm excited for them to perform a Jersey Boys medley. Shamrockapella is performing "It's So Hard To Say Goodbye to Yesterday". We finally got it together since we are arranging it too. They made me cry. It sounds so beautiful and that song is very meaningful to me.
     It's been a great year but I am looking forward to summer break. I can't wait to rest and relax and not be around 750 teenage boys every day! I love them but I miss my girls!
     I'm also excited to spend time with my boyfriend and his son. It's been such a blessing having them in my life. We are becoming a lovely family and that's all I've ever wanted. I hope you are all doing well. Summer is coming!! Lots of barbeques!! And road trips!! And camping!! Oh and cheese curds!!