Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy 2012!

     Is it really January in the Midwest? It was close to 50 degrees in Chicago again. Since I don't have any prior teaching experience, I can't say for sure if this weather is messing with the students, but I'm pretty sure it is. Or it could be the recent full moon that seemed to make everyone bonkers. Or it could be the fact that they've been on break for almost 2 weeks, probably playing video games, sleeping in, and not really having any responsibilities...coming back to school off a long break is brutal. The kids are so crazy and wound up. If I could only give them all a knock to the head and say, "HELLO!!! YOU ARE BACK AT SCHOOL!! THAT SHIT AIN'T GONNA FLY HERE!! GET IT TOGETHER MAN!! Of course, that type of punishment is illegal in Illinois ( whoever decided that was not in education...let me tell you) but I've tried to be patient and understand that the students need time to re-adjust.
     This week has already been a million times more productive than last. I've had fairly successful classes so far. However, tomorrow is my beloved 8th grade classes. I just don't understand what will motivate them. I've offered them a phenomenal field trip opportunity to a state-of-the-art studio, an opportunity to meet a sound engineer/producer who has Grammys, and a day off school!! How does this not get something to click in their head? Like, "Hey, all we need to do is learn part of 'Don't Stop Believing'? One of the greatest songs ever? That we begged to learn? Hell, I'll learn the song AND sing it while doing jumping jacks!!"
     FYI: They do not think this way. They would rather sit and 'mope' or goof off during warm-ups...warm-ups that 'allow' them to act just does not make sense. I swear the day I meet someone who has figured out the adolescent mind, I will bend down, kiss their feet, and beg for insight.
     On the other hand, as much as I want to throw in the towel with this level, I just can't. I've been able to connect with every other grade. I have to figure out a way to connect with the 8th grade. They need me the most. After the debacle last week, I ended up completely changing my lesson plan on the spur of the moment. Once I gave them requirements for the summary they needed to write, they were fine. I don't want them to do 'busy work' all the time. I want them to sing damnit!!! Please hear me loud and clear when I say, if you have any suggestions, I am all ears!! to give you something to chuckle at...yesterday was one of the toughest days this school year to get it the full moon or pms or personal problems or lack of sleep or lack of nutrition...whatever the case, when lunchtime came, I locked myself in my room and sat there in the dark in silence praying that God would give me the strength to get through the afternoon. SO, my last classes were Kindergarten and 2nd grades. You may think these grades would be so simple and easy to teach. They are. If you are fine with stopping every 2 seconds to correct behavior or stop a kid from going on a random tangent about their dog or mom or the sidewalk outside and "why are there cracks in it"...blah blah blah. Trust me, it is the cutest thing but not when you are just trying to maintain your own anyways, the first K class walks in, notices the movie screen is down, and immediately asks if we are watching videos. I had not necessarily planned on this...I hadn't planned on anything...but one student said something about watching videos from other countries. I'm not sure why, but you may refer to my previous statements about their randomness. A light went off in my head. "YES! We are listening and watching videos of music from other countries and your job is to listen, watch, and try to figure out what country this music is from!" By the way, I cannot take any credit for that idea at that time, God really does have angels watching over us...but it was brilliant! They LOVED it!! And I was surprised at how many countries they guessed correctly! Of course I did the exact thing with the 2nd grades and they also loved it!
     I feel like a schmuck for admitting that but sometimes in this profession, I'm learning that I need to listen to the students "small talk", consider it, and adapt their ideas/thoughts into my lessons. Oh! Back to the 8th grade, one student suggested I play techno music while they are walking in to 'pump them up'. I will be doing this tomorrow so stayed tuned to hear about that one! I will try again to get them to sing. Pray for us.
     The more I feel grounded in my faith, the more I am reassured and convinced that our higher power, God, is alive and well. He wants so much to be a part of our lives. He is always available, always willing to listen, and many times, he responds. This has become so apparent to me and I am so thankful that I have once again reaffirmed my faith. I encourage everyone who reads this blog (thank you) to reach out when you are having difficulties. When you think there is no one, there is. All you have to do is start talking (aka praying) and I promise your prayers will be answered in one way or another.
     My experience is that prayers are answered in the most beautiful ways. These last few days have once again shown me that we are not alone. EVER. I've realized many things through this past year: 1. We cannot accomplish anything alone. 2. If we do not want to change we won't. 3. I have the most amazing friends and family I could ever dream of.         4. People are truly compassionate even in this messed up world. 5. The things and people you surround yourself with have such a huge impact on who you are and will become.           6. My dad. I love him so much and cannot begin to describe how amazing and beautiful he is. 7. Each day is a new opportunity to change, grow, and learn. 8. This world truly is spectacular and full of opportunity. 9. True Love isn't dead. 10. Those of you who continue to follow my journey give me great encouragement even if we do not communicate regularly.Thank you.

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