Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Break!!

First of all, I'd like to say Happy Holidays to all and thank you so much for your support in reading this blog. I've had a few people ask me when I will post again: I appreciate the enthusiasm. It's been quite a hectic few weeks, that's for sure. I had a lovely Christmas in Wisconsin with my family, extended family, and DA PACK!
Prior to that, the last 2 weeks of school went as follows:
Call from Principal 2.5 weeks away from Christmas...excuse me..."Advent Prayer Service"..."Stacy, hi, just wanted to see how the music was coming. I'm getting phone calls from parents who are concerned that their child doesn't have their music for the play"...
Me: "Well, that's not true. I have picked out music and started working on it, but the other teachers are adamant on a few songs from last year that I don't have."
Him: "Well, you have to understand that this is a HUGE deal in our school and parish. Basically, everything stops for this program. So, if you need to cancel lessons and music classes, that's what you need to do." 
Me: "OK, well we have a rehearsal schedule and everything is going to be fabulous but I understand your concern."
Him: "Great! Just checking."
....The program WAS fabulous. If grades were learning harmony, playing instruments, or something more difficult than singing music in unison, I would've been worried. But the amazing thing about kids is that they soak everything up. First grade learned their songs within 2 class periods (60 min) total. Every grade did a phenomenal job. There were many compliments passed and I was so proud of my students! The older girls really stepped up and sounded the best I've heard them so far. We also acquired 2-3 more students for choir/glee club. Things really went well. However, there were lessons learned:
1. Start Christmas music before Thanksgiving (no matter how weird it seems)
2. Try to schedule WAY ahead of time (so people stay off my back)
3. Start music earlier=more difficult music!! (my goal for next year)
Everything in this position is a learning experience. That's why I love it. The students teach me so much and I only hope it's reciprocated. I've been planning the curriculum for the Spring and things seem like they are falling into my head. Of course nothing in this job is set. It is a constant adaptation of elements. Again...a reason I love it. Another reason: being on break right now!!! It's the perfect time to rejuvenate, hang out with friends and family, and be merry!
I am really excited to spend NYE in Marathon with a certain dashing gentleman, my family, sister, and friends! How fun! I hope all of you have a wonderful new year and I promise to write more often!!

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