Saturday, November 12, 2011

I'm done counting weeks

     This Friday was the end of the first trimester. I made it through one. It sure hasn't been a smooth ride. However, it has been extremely rewarding. I've learned so much and have somuch more to learn. Let me give you break-down of what's been going on:

5th and 6th grades are working on the "Soundtrack of Your Life" project. It's so funny. They pick 6 songs and write why they chose them. Then they make a CD case showcasing their songs. It's a really cool activity. It's really interesting to read why the students chose certain songs.

The 8th grade will begin the task of learning "Don't Stop Believing" this coming week. The arrangement I chose is NOT easy but it's the only one that actually sounds cool. If they don't get on the wagon with this, they will not be going on the field trip. It's that simple.

3rd and 4th grade started learning the recorder. The 3rd grade was so excited to actually have their very own instrument. They are pumped and so am I.

On Friday for my resource period, I only had the 3rd grade since 4th was on a field trip. We had a dance party. I put on to the 'Britney Spears' station. Of course the songs that pop up are the songs they listen to on the radio. I only needed to skip a few of them. At the build up of a song by Rhianna, I went to the lights and flicked them like a 'club'. They LOVED it! They were all screaming and dancing around like maniacs. It was hilarious. Next purchase for my room will be a disco ball. They told their teachers it was the 'best Friday ever!!' It really was! So cute and fun.

I'm a little nervous about grades since I know I will be hearing from parents. Hopefully, I will be able to handle them with some sort of confidence and grace. We shall see.
     I am excited for Thanksgiving break. If you haven't figured out by now, teaching is NOT easy! I wouldn't trade it for the world though.

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