Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's Summer... I mean Spring!

    So much has been happening. I never know where to start...but,  how blessed are we to have such fantastic, unbelieveable weather? Wow. It was 85 degrees in Chicago today! This winter has been so mild compared to last year. 2011 was the year of the blizzard in Chicago. We still had a foot of snow on the ground on this day 2011. It's amazing how things work out.
     I'm writing after Friday and Monday off this past week. Friday we had an in-service. Let's just say I am so thankful I do not have to attend monthly staff meetings. No one ever really says what they want or need. They play the advocate. Faculty members tend to express their concerns, feelings, then renigue what they just said because they don't want to offend anyone. This is ridiculous to me. If you have a question, just ask. If you have a concern, just say it. Why is that so difficult? I have to think this is just a perk for working with all grades and all teachers...part time. Sometimes, though, it just seems like it would be easier to say things rather than sugarcoat them.
      Anywho, at this meeting, I started writing a 'to-do' list. I continue to be more aware of my behavior and the way it affects my classes. I've started to ease up with my classes in a way. First of all, it's too damn hot to expect any class to focus for more than 10 minutes at a time. Actually, this 10 minute rule was given to me by my supervisor during student teaching but I never got it until now. I've started to structure every class in 10 minute intervals: 10 minutes singing, 10 minutes direct instruction, 10 minutes hands on. This seems to be working well. Now.. if I can only remember my rules!
     Today I found a new discipline method that actually worked with 6th grade...and I hope it works across the board. It's quite simple. "Let's finish with the work we need, and what time is left at the end, we will listen to music, new music, your music." This means that if a class is not behaving, I can take time off of their 'free time'. I took 2.5 minutes off the 6th grade class for their free time. If someone talked, I started the time over. And, by golly, they sat for the entire 2.5 minutes silent. And guess what?! We had time to listen to one new song.
     See, this entire year, I've been trying to just expose my students to new music, whether it be jazz, rap, classical, rock, etc. They really love when I play music from my own playlist. My new project is to create playlists for each grade, combine them, and make them available to students. So far, each grade is completely ecstatic about this. And I'm excited to share music between the students and myself.
     I've had so many goals for the year as far as teaching music and what I want students to learn. But, I've realized that if I can just make these kids more aware of other types of music/bands/artists, other than what is 'main stream', I am doing my job. Making them more aware. Getting them to hear/listen to things they would never even be exposed to. Its really cool. I've also realized that my calm, almost laxidazical demeanor tends to get the students to self-discipline. I don't need to yell. I don't need to get upset. If I talk in a calm manor and students see that, they self manage their class. It's brilliant! Fool proof? NO!
     Back in the lounge, teachers were talking about the number of days left in the year: after Spring Break, we have 34 days. That is crazy! I can't believe where we started and how quickly it is coming to an end. I am so proud to say I've stuck it out. I am so proud to say I am almost finished with my first year of teaching. What an amazing feeling.
     Of course with the end of the year approaching, reflection is in full swing. Every single teacher has told me that the first year is the hardest. If that's the case, I cannot wait for next year! Of course, there is the matter of supporting myself through the summer. Yes, I get a paycheck yearly. Yes, this paycheck is below "poverty" level. However, I have been thinking of things to do this summer. One of my colleagues mentioned a song writing workshop. She gave an over-all music workshop last summer for a week. She was successful. And, she made a decent amount of money. It excites me to do something like this. I am NO expert in song writing, but I think I could help kids hone their musical talents and writing abilities. I also hope to give summer piano/voice lessons. Another way to supplement.
     Each year, I realize more and more how the cold and dark days affect me mentally, physically. It wasn't until later in life that I was told depression runs in my family. I know most of us deal with the wintertime blues. It is difficult and sometimes a battle. This is what I deal with. It is a breath of fresh air to see Spring so early. It makes me worry for next year. How will I deal with my own inner struggles? I only hope I am able to continue my routine. YOGA. WALKING. BREATHING. It is so important.
     After talking with my dad, once more I am certain there is one person who loves me. My dad is such an amazing, selfless individual... I talked to him about my brother, Dave. If Dave were here, he would be the first person to visit me. The first to pick up the  phone. The first to yell at me. The first to make me laugh. To everyone who has lost someone, I say a prayer. I pray for those that have departed from us and I pray they are looking down on us. Thank you again to all who read this blog. You continue to inspire me through your thoughts and prayers. If you would like to continue a dialogue, please email me at

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March 2012

     It's been a good week. We are officially into the third trimester...yes. the last one. It's hard to believe so much time has gone by. But then again, it's been quite a roller coaster ride. I have finally learned 95% of the student's names, even piecing together brothers, sisters, cousins! Things seem to be flowing more smoothly. Now, my focus is being more adaptive and flexible with the scheduling. For instance, Monday the school dismissed at 11:30am because of conferences. I did not even realize this. Therefore, I did not reach out to any parents/students that had lessons in the afternoon. Oh well. Next Friday and Monday there is no school again..."Staff Development Days". Again, I have lessons on those days and it is so difficult to re-schedule them so everyone gets another time. This past Saturday, I even taught lessons to those who wanted an extra/make-up lesson. The parents seemed very appreciative. The students seemed more. I had great feedback from the parents. The students and I were even able to show off our 'dueting'. Then! We start spring break April, these last 2 months have flown by. It's crazy! I feel so blessed that I've stuck to it, not given up, and tried to re-adjust my teaching to things the students want to learn about.
     Can you believe most students have never looked inside a piano to see how it works?! Such a simple and fairly easily executed lesson which the students really enjoyed. Even if they were just banging away on the thing, they were ALL smiling, from kindergarten thru 8th grade. I also let each grade take a turn banging the humungo bass drum the school has. They loved it! It was really cute and quite entertaining. I wish I could offer more instruments for them to try. However, singing with the older grades continues to be a challenge, and I must admit, I haven't pushed very hard. Lesson learned for next year, "Make them sing from the beginning". So much to learn. I would really love to get back into school and become more knowledgeable about music and teaching. This is my next endeavor, but one thing at a time.
     The 8th grade just received their high school placements. Quite a few of the guys are attending St Pats, which is where I student taught. I am so thrilled they are going there! I'd love to say I had an influence, but I can't be sure. Also, I will be writing my first recommendation letter for an 8th grader! She did not get into the school she wanted and is appealing her admission. She is such a bright, determined, and talented young lady. I hope I can help her.
     Oh! When I was at school on Saturday, one of the moms gave me a FREE ($5) ticket to the Pancake Dinner Fundraiser for Boy Scouts. Pancakes at 4pm? I'm in! It was really neat to see students out of the school element. The boys were so gentlemenly and well mannered. Of course, the first thing they noticed was my new hair color. That was another funny thing all week. "Miss Courchaine! Did you dye your hair..again?" "I really like it!" "I like you better blonde." "You look like Katy Perry." "You look like Flo from the insurance commercials." "Do we have a substitute?" I suppose when you encounter 400 kids, there's bound to be some conversation.
     Tomorrow evening, I am singing with the advanced parish choir for Stations of the Cross. I am really excited because I've ran rehearsals with this group, and they are all truly gifted. It will be so awesome to be a musician with other musicians. Sometimes, it's difficult to get back into the swing of singing/playing advanced music when I'm continuously singing 'Hickory Dickory Dock'. I have really tried to maintain my piano and voice skills though. Sometimes I will get caught up after school or lessons, just playing or singing material from college or before. I am thrilled for this opportunity tomorrow evening. Plus, it is such an easy way to get to church and worship. I always feel better after an hour session with the Higher Power.
     One other thing about my classes. I asked the junior high students, "Do any other teachers use technology in the classroom?" NO!! Well, actually, one student said a teacher uses the overhead. Let me just preface with this: My technology in my room is boogey. There are constant problems and quite often, these problems keep the lesson held up. However, there is no way I could ever teach without using technology. Even powerpoint. Youtube. This is so important! This is what students know and relate to. Next year, I will have my room set up properly(now that I know what I need). But for now, a few blips don't hurt. As much of a traditionalist as I am, there is NO WAY I couldn't use technology. So! If anyone would like to donate to my Music Class Mayhem fund, please feel free!
    On a different note, thank you again to all who read this blog. It keeps me writing. I love hearing your comments and support. Sometimes, I can't help writing about my personal life because it does affect my teaching, but I love and appreciate your patience. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.