Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 3

     Thursdays are going to be fun. I have both 1st grades, then both 8th grades. Talk about a change in gears! I have to admit, I was looking forward to meeting the 8th grade all week. I was also told by sources that the 8th grade is awesome. This time my sources were right. What a great bunch of kids! I love being sarcastic and joking with this age group. They are so young yet soon heading into a whole new world. My hopes for them is to not only teach them about music but guide them towards becoming respectful young adults. They seem to already be on their way. What a difference a year makes...7th grade monsters, 8th grade sweethearts!
     I also had lunchroom duty today with grades 1-3. Why do companies make it so difficult to open their products? They should really do some research on that. Maybe ask the question, "Who is eating this and how can we make it accessible to them?"  Really! Isn't that their job? I suppose they don't really care what happens after they've made their money, but it's something to think about. Our school doesn't have a playground so they block off the street so the kids can run around. How ironic! We teach children never to play in the street yet here they are, running around in one at school! I was running around with them as well. Why not? It's fun and such a great way to connect with the younger grades. I remember back to my grade school days and can't help but think how lucky we were to have a HUGE playground. Plus, our recess was really long! These kids have 10 wonder they run around and scream like crazy.
     I want to write more but many things weigh on my mind today. It's kind of backwards that my serenity is in the chaos amongst children. But everything there is all laid out. I know who I will be seeing, what time I will be coming and going, and what I need to get done. Home is so different. I love living alone but find it very difficult to be isolated this way. It's one extreme to another. It doesn't help that my personal life is in transition too. Hmm, how much to share...let's just say, I've never had much luck in the relationship department. And I've gotten myself stuck in a never ending rut that I can't seem to pull myself out of. I like to think that my students, in some way, will pull me out. But that is so unfair to put that burden on them, even though they don't know it. All I can do is pray and try to understand the plan that is set for me. We all know though, that this is tough. I want so badly to have a companion and a family. This thought is like a winter cold. You can medicate it, take care of yourself, and think you're better, but when you least expect it, it comes back 10-fold. This is my cold. I can't shake it. I'm trying like hell though and am determined to fight through it, even if I have to fake that thought to make it happen!
     No school for me tomorrow so I'm not sure if I will write, but we shall see. Enjoy this beautiful weather as the last of summer is near.

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