Monday, August 29, 2011

Friday Woes

     Today I did not have school. This will not be the case usually, but until lessons and the resource period begin, I dont need to be there. So, of course, I sat home last night listening to acoustic versions of the following songs: Love the Way You Lie Part II by Rhianna, You Lost Me by Christina, and any Lady Gaga. This then led to listening others cover these songs, which led to other songs, which led to a bottle of wine and 3:00 in the morning. This is what happens when my evenings are not filled and I don't need to be responsible the next day! did give me a great idea for quickly teaching the older kids rhythm. Can you believe that they haven't had any music theory since 4th grade? They couldn't even identify an eighth note. I was truly shocked. Anyways, I am going to write out the notes for either Edge of Glory or Bad Romance. They will only see notes. Then we will learn the rhythm through Kodaly, which is a method of teaching music using 'ta' 'ti' and other syllables. Once they have that down. They will learn how to name notes..."Every Good Boy Does Fine" and "FACE". Lastly, I will play the passage for them and see if they can guess the song! Simple and fun.
     I also got a call from my principal today. I gave him a 'wish list' of instruments I'd love to have for my room. Very simple rhythm instruments like cymbals, drums, wood blocks, etc. Today he informed me that I will be able to get those instruments through the school's Campbell's soup label fundraising! How cool!! I'm so excited the kids will have nice, new instruments to use. By the way, if you eat Campbell's, save the labels for me!

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