Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 4...Officially

     Wow!!! My 'overwelmingness' continues... Today I received an extensive list of more things to complete: An online course about child abuse, finger prints, Catholic Diocese religion courses(mandatory), another course (basically about what is appropriate or not in regards to student interaction), a resource meeting ( I will have about 50 kids a day to deal with...more on that later), still trying to figure out where the hell to start with classroom teaching, and last but not least, continuing my journey through private lessons. Oh yeah, and I am officially a firm believer in the laundry ghost...wahahah. Have you ever done laundry and come up a sock or two short? I have. Always thought the dryer ate it. Yesterday was a new experience. I washed all bedding, comforter, sheets, and pillowcases. I didn't lose a sock. I lost a pillowcase. "How is that possible?" one might ask. Well, my only conclusion is, the ghosts of laundry's past. I am completely baffled. How does one lose 1 out of 4 pillowcases? Never in my 14 years of doing my own laundry have I lost such a large article! Ok...I was singing in my laundry basement...loudly. Ok ghosts, you can 'sleep with me'!
     Anyways, it's been a day, let me tell you! 7th grade continues to test me. The boys continue to 'yearn for my affections'...well, that's what I'd like to think. However, after tediously reviewing rhythm and handing out a worksheet with notes, going through it with Kodaly, and painfully repeating...along with repeating RULE #1(in tempo of course)..."LISTEN WHEN OTHERS ARE TALKING"...and writing this rule, "LISTEN WHEN OTHERS ARE TALKING" 5 times, they actually figured out which song it was without hearing any melodies. Yes! It was 'Bad Romance' by Lady Gaga. Heeeyyyy, they really are smart!!
     Kindergarten graced my room today for the first time (last week I went to their classrooms). I introduced them to... DADADADAH!! Rhythm sticks! This is a glorified term for 2 sticks that you beat together. They were so excited. And, after assessing them visually, they really were able to keep the beat while singing. Of course their attention was set on the guitar, piano, violin, and any other instrument in the room, but hey! They kept the beat!! And after 20 grueling minutes, with the kids literally sweating, we stopped class early for a water break. My favorite part: Lifting those little buggers up to reach the fountains. How cute!
     One of the 2nd grades had a substitute today. Woah. They were out of control. Why is it that this age group cannot stop touching each other?? They are constantly doing this. Is it a sense of freedom from 1st grade desks? Are they testing their independence? Or do they just need more love? Not sure, but we had to repeat RULE #3 many times: KEEP HANDS, FEET, AND OBJECTS TO YOURSELF. I am seriously putting together a quick rhythm with the rules for each grade to perfect. How funny is it that all the grades have the same rules? Yet it is always a work in progress.
     I finally got smart and put the correct search words into Google..."Curriculum Mapping for Gr___ in Music". Yes!! Finally, some sort of direction. Music teachers worldwide, thank you! We always joke about 'stealing' each other's material, but I prefer to call it 'borrowing'.  Readers, don't be offended. Ask ANY teacher about this concept and I'm sure they will say the same thing. Right now, it is my saving grace. I have somewhere to start. I can use a model. I can tweek. I can change. I can adapt. Yes! I have a start.
     Changing gears for a moment, I wasn't sure what sort of response (if any), I would get to this 'blog' of sorts. But I am so humbled by the responses I have gotten. My "First Day" entry has eluded to an overwelming response that I surely never thought I would get. Many of you have expressed how much you can relate to things I wrote about. This makes my heart beat. After hearing your comments, either personally or in writing, I re-read this post. I have to admit that every time I read it, I cry. My brother's death has forever left a mark on my heart. He is such a huge part of where I am today. I think everyday how much I wish he were here. How much I wish he could visit my class. How much I wish we could hang out. How much I wonder if he would have a family...yes I think he would. I think in all of the sadness, how much I thank him for giving me the courage to move forward. Become a better person. Relay this to others. HE IS AMAZING!  It is not easy to lay it on the line, but after the positivity! (yes, I am adopting this word), I am so thankful that my hands and heart continue to guide me through writing. Although this story is inspired by my students, they also inspire me to be brave and talk about things I really haven't shared. Wow, I haven't even begun to touch on the other 'life savers' of my life. I will. I promise. I am anxious to meet tomorrow's adventures. The other 7th grade, worse than today. 6th, 3rd and 4th. Lord help me.

1 comment:

  1. Stacy,
    You are an amazing writer and from the sounds of it, a great teacher, too!! Love how inventive you are with your lesson planning and how you are really reaching your students, even those 7th graders! Thanks for sharing your journey!
