Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Week 7

     As I've mentioned previously, my resource period of 40+ students practices yoga on Mondays. I downloaded some cool tribal music to get into our zen. I also started sending emails to local yoga studios in hopes of getting mats donated. Well, we are on our way to getting mats for each student! The studio I practice at has 4 locations and the owner emailed me back and said they have a bunch of mats for me to have...yes, have. I am so pumped and I think the students will really start to take it more seriously. It's so funny watching them try these poses hopping around and asking me, "Miss Courchaine!! Am I doing it right??" They aren't too shabby either. It's really cute.
     This week the 6th and 7th grade handed in lyrics to a song for our unit on Form. We began with looking at verse-chorus form which is standard in contemporary music. Their job was to print out a song and label it...we went through the guidelines...what was appropriate or not, etc. Yet, I still got lyrics that had swear words, racial slurs, songs talking about having sex, booty, drinking, get the picture. So, I compiled my "favorite lines" from these songs and read my compilation to each class. Of course I was very dramatic and tried to read these lines with gusto and poetic rhythm. Almost with a Bill Cosby flavor, "I got my pants. Girl....shake your...booty." At first some students couldn't help laughing, but by the time I was reading a lyric that had the 'n' word in it, their eyes were popping out of their heads and they were actually blushing. I threw them all away and told them to start over. We went through each detail very carefully several times of what is appropriate and what isn't. I HOPE that they proof-read like we discussed because if anyone still hands something of poor taste in, it is an immediate conference with them, their parents, and the principal.
     Sometimes it amazes me how badly behaved these kids are. I mean, I understand it's grade school, but this community of students is really bad! I don't know when they are going to learn and it is unfortunate that the school does not have a better back-up system for discipline. There is a discipline code, but it's out of date and not able to be used properly. Very frustrating.
     On to a more uplifting note. I sang for the masses on Sunday morning. This was done on minimal sleep (hey, I have to have some sort of social/dating life right?!) but I woke up anyways and got it done. There were many students and their families at church. It was so cute when they saw me because they just gave a huge smile and wave hi. Of course I smiled and waved back! It's so funny how the Catholic church is so serious that a kid feels it's wrong to even wave or smile or LOOK at someone else...anyways, after the last mass, some of my piano students and their moms were outside so I said hello. The moms were very nice and praised my singing. thank you. Here's the best part: As I walking away, I overheard one of the moms say, "Isn't she just lovely? She is so lovely." That has to be one of the most touching compliments a mom of a student could say, or anyone for that matter! It really gave me a sense of pride and acknowledgement that I must be doing something right. If I were described as anything, I only wished it would be that kind. How blessed am I?
     The 8th grade has really been coming around after I shared the field trip opportunity. The way the 6th and 7th grade have been behaving, I really think it's going to be the 8th grade that I take. They REALLY want to go and have already changed their behavior in lieu of this opportunity. I was surprised when I told the 7th grade about it and how it was between them and 8th grade, that one student said I should just take the 8th grade cause it's their last year and the 7th grade could go next year. He didn't want the 8th grade 'missing out'. I thought that was really thoughtful and nice. Anyways, my principal is pumped about it and completely backing me. Yay!
     I also finally got the piano in my classroom tuned!!! Just like I did as a kid, I spent a few hours playing all the music I have at school. It's a really great piano and I'm getting used to the feel of it. My piano students are also very thankful...How can you really play piano with the A below Middle C note sticking?? You can't. My students have really been doing well this week with the piano. I can tell they are practicing more. I will be picking up 2 more students soon...where will they fit in?? OH, didn't you know that you can summon extra hours out of the day if you need them?  Just kidding, I will work it out. I'm just excited that so many students are interested in music. I love my job!!

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