Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week 6...or technically 7

     There are many things I am thankful for today. The first two that come to mind are my mom and dad. I have inherited an incredible work ethic from my father and a natural, common sense smartness ( ok my mom is too smart naturally), from my mother. This being said, as I close one door of my path, 10 more open. I am no longer slinging drinks on Saturday nights. Yes! This has been a goal of mine for too long. With that, however, I have been picking up work with the church. In the past 10 days I have sang for 3 funerals and 3 masses with another funeral tomorrow. Yes, 3 masses...all this morning...the first at does this help me slow down and get a day off? I'm not sure. But I do know that I'd rather be singing in church, seeing my students and their families, building a reputation with my school and community, participating in what I can, teaching these kids, showing them that I do more than just teach in a classroom...than working til 3am every weekend.
     I also attended my first school function on Saturday evening. Our school held a fundraiser that included a silent and live auction. It was very successful. We raised so much money for our school. When my principal saw me, he gave me a hug and thanked me for coming. This makes me realize how lucky and blessed I am to be a part of this amazing community. This I am also thankful for.
     A recap of this past week may be lengthy but it was a turning point I hope. Tuesdays continue to be a struggle...It is my fault. I need to prepare better. I need to be ready for my students, choose one strategy and concept, then execute. This simple process though, is very tough. I had my first breakdown on Tuesday. As soon as my break came, I closed my door, and the tears wouldn't stop. I was so frustrated with a few students and it had a domino effect on the rest of the day. I know it's partially my fault for not planning better, but damn! sometimes those kids can be little shits! I was able to re-group and have a better week.
     I was also able to secure a location for my field trip. Yes, old friends come in handy! Instead of just bringing a class to a musical or something, I thought I could get a bit more creative. I now have confirmed a trip to a professional, state of the art recording studio. The class going will get a tour and tutorial of how a song is really put together. These kids have no idea how much layering, editing, etc goes into the music they listen to! At the end, this class will record a song and get the CD as a memoir of cool?! I have been really thinking of which class to take...6th grade has been very responsive to our work in class and they can really sing...7th grade heathens have been coming around and at least participating...8th grade....well....I feel like I've been letting them fall to the wayside. So, I had a conversation with the 8th grade on Thursday. See, I haven't been teaching them what the other classes have been learning. I thought I could have a more formal, mature, Internet and Music type of class. But, it's BORING!!! I don't want to lecture to them! I don't want to treat them as young adults cause they aren't! They are still kids. Still kids who need to laugh and learn and sing and be goofy. I realized this and told them that I have not been doing my job. I have not been giving them the essential tools of music like the other grades. I have not been giving them a fair shake at succeeding with music. I have not given them the benefit of the doubt. So, I told them about the field trip and what it would take for them to have a chance at going. Basically, they are 2-3 weeks behind the other grades. They were so excited about this opportunity and said they would do whatever it took to have a 'chance' at going! This gets me pumped. Even though I only have them for a year, why can't I teach them all I know about music? Why can't they learn what the other grades are learning? Why??? Well, they can. And they will. Yay.
     On Friday after school, I had four 7th grade boys come to clean my room as punishment. They showed up right at 3pm on the dot. "Miss Courchaine! We're here! What should we do?" I gave them a long list and they got to work. I had my ipod going and all of a sudden, 3 more 7th grade boys poked their heads in..."What are you guys doin? Oh! Cleaning? I wanna help...errr..." I had 7 boys in my room cleaning. What a sight! It was a good time to bond. One of the kids who popped in has been having major problems at school. He is on the cusp of either turning things around and being a good kid or...going the other way. I am so thankful he poked his head in and stayed. I basically told them all: "Listen you little shits, you need to start behaving in school or you will have a hell of a lot of trouble ahead".  By the end of their time, they asked me if they could come and clean funny. I love it though.
      As I get more comfortable with my job and getting to know my students, I can't help but think how lucky I am. Teaching is an extremely difficult profession but the rewards are so incredible. I love what I do. Now that I am building more relationships with students, teachers, parents and the church, I know this is where I am supposed to be. Even at the masses today, having the kids see me and wave and say hi, made my day. No. I did not sleep much. Yes. I am tired. But I have such a sense of peace when I am there. I cannot wait to see what happens next!

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