Monday, October 17, 2011

Whoa! Week 9

     Time sure flies when you're havin' fun! Or have Columbus Day off, can't get back in the groove, then travel to Wisco and finally take out the trash...that was last week/weekend. But. I am finally settled back in my newly clean apartment, fridge stocked, and ready to rock. This week is the FORM quiz for grades 5-8. It will be interesting since they still have a difficult time understanding that they receive a grade. I will also be handing back graded assignments. I have to wonder, "Why would a music TEACHER not require assignments or grades in music class?" This seems to have been the case, and let me tell ya right now folks, that ain't the case no more. Yes you will be graded on 'assignments'. Yes I do record them in the grade book. Yes your music class grade affects your GPA...HELLO?!!
   OK, now on to the next unit. MELODY. Yes, it's about time these kids sing. We will be learning the ever helpful Solfege method. Their task? Teach the class a song using solfege. The younger grades move on to the recorder. Don't worry, earplugs are in the mail...
     Now for the reflective portion...I was working at my computer today and the principal walked in with a dude. They asked where I'd like a flat screen because all classrooms will eventually have them. This made me very happy. What made me not so happy was when my principal said, "Well, maybe we shouldn't put one in here because you will have your room set up and then be gone."  Me: "What?" Him: "Well, you will probably leave us for a better offer." Me thinking in my head: "I understand why you said that (cause I'm SOOO awesome), but please give me a chance and trust that I don't start something I can't finish." At this point, I can't imagine going to another school. I'm just getting started. This school needs me! And I need them. This school will allow me to teach and learn to teach music to a Large group of students. This job allows me to teach private lessons and gain experience with one-on-one interaction. This job allows me to sing and worship on a regular basis. Now, I'm not saying anything for sure, but I think I've got a good thing going and I'm not about to think of quitting or moving on now!

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