Thursday, September 22, 2011

Week 5 con'd

     My last post was a bit of a 'freak out' entry. Today I realize what an idiot I still am. To follow up on the parent email: My student came in for her make-up lesson. When she signed up in the beginning of the year, her dad had asked if she could do both voice and piano. After thinking about this, I said we could try it...splitting a 30 minute lesson between both is difficult. Going from one week piano to one week voice is even more difficult...Anyways, apparently my student thought she was having a voice lesson which is why she didn't bring her books. She didn't mention this so I naively assumed she forgot her materials. Today, in her lesson we spoke about it. Well! I read the email completely wrong. She is VERY excited about voice and it seems she would prefer the bulk of her lessons be that. We went through a brief overview of how our voice lessons would be, posture, breathing, warm-ups, etc. It was the first time I saw a sparkle in her eyes and her loosen up a bit. She has a natural gift. All she needs! It's all worked out and I am excited to teach her what I know about singing!
     I also reflected on my dynamic with the 8th grade. I've been trying to treat them as the 'older more mature' students. This has not been effective. In reality, they are not old! They are still so young. They need to laugh to be engaged. Therefore, I am changing my direction and reverting to 'acting a fool' with them starting next week. This has been working for every other grade, why not those 8th graders??
     Just a side note; I love my dad so much. I've been speaking with him frequently about my experiences and he has given me some incredible insight and ideas. I knew I loved and respected him before, but at 32 years old, he continues to amaze me. I am so thankful to have a family that is supportive, intuitive, and insightful.
     Switching gears. I had mentioned previously my idea of a field trip. I thought bringing a class to see a musical or something would be awesome. But, after thinking about it and hearing from other teachers that this option is offered through other subjects, I knew I'd have to get more creative. For some reason...(well I know the reason) I always come up with great ideas when talking with my friend Lynn. She is an AMAZING artist. She is extremely versatile but her strong suit is painting on canvas with acrylics and using fabrics and other things to create a 3D effect. Anyways, I came up with the best MUSIC MAYHEM field trip ever! I will bring my students to a state of the art recording studio in downtown Chicago. They will learn about the recording process and at the end....wait for it...we will record a song that will be put on a CD for them to keep...! How cool? Well, I think it's pretty sweet and it beats going to a musical any day...for Junior High Kids! Now, which grade to bring? This is TBD.
   Shifting into 2nd gear, I've been re-configuring my classroom set-up. The first 3 weeks I had the desks in a semi-circle of sorts. Not happy with it. This week, I did rows. NO. Now, I put the desks into a large circle...I'm hoping this is the winner. Third time's a charm right? I will stand in the middle, no one will be behind anyone else, we will be facing each other, united. It's gotta work right? I was also able to get my projector to work by "boojeying" it up. Next step: setting up the camera pen. Then, eliminating the crazy cord situation that's growing out of my desk!!
     Easing into 3rd gear. I just downloaded a really great 'yoga' CD. I can't wait to play it for our Yoga Mondays. I took a poll today with my resource class to see if they liked doing yoga. More than the majority raised their hands. Their complaint? Too much talking!! Ha. That's my yogis. I'm hoping the music will eliminate that problem a bit. If not, sorry slackers. You are going back to your homerooms. I am also working on getting mats. This would be fabulous! I think the kids would really take it more seriously if they had their space and mat.
     And finally, coasting in neutral down the long and winding road...I had a great conversation with a friend the other night. We were discussing my professional situation. He said a few things that were very kind.
" You know, Stace, I see you becoming a traveling teacher in the future. You have made things happen at your school in one month what the previous teacher hadn't been able to do her entire time there. You make great money giving private lessons and when it comes time for your contract to be renewed, I'd ask for double. You will have so many parents supporting you that the school will have to oblige! Why not give private lessons full time going from school to school?"
     Me, "I am so thankful for having a job that I love, doing what I love, AND making money at it. I'd love to be a traveling teacher of sorts." But I love being in a classroom setting...the challenge. I love having a choir. This is so important. I learn more from my students each day than I could ever have imagined. This idea of traveling to other schools or having a studio has always been in my thoughts. Hell, I plan to be a Professor someday! But, I need to take baby steps and gain experience. Learn and learn some more.
     This is what we all need to do. Take each experience full-heartedly. We have so much to learn. So far to grow. It's amazing what we have been given on this Earth. I am humbled and blessed each day. I hope you are in your lives as well.

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