Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day ?? Week 4

     Where to begin...I've been waiting for a moment to sit down and write all week. Finally, I am able to. Things are now in full swing. I began private lessons this week. Love it!! It's so fun to work one-on-one with students. It really gives us a chance to build a respectful, fun, and trusting relationship. My saying for the week: "So, who is your BFF?"... (Giggle, giggle, giggle) so and so...."Well, you're new BFF is someone called 'Middle C'...(giggle, giggle, giggle). So cute.
     My Resource Period also began on Monday. In a previous post I mentioned there would be more on that in a minute...It's a minute. 45 kids in my classroom by myself 4 days, 30 minutes each. Now, how did I let my other 'resource team members' (aka other teachers), talk me into this?  OH YEAH! I was hustled! I've always heard that teachers never have a problem dumping stuff on you any chance they get, but now I've been officially victimized...asses. But! I will not give up. I will perservere. I will try and try again! Teaching mantra? Hmm...
     Next on the agenda is 'Glee Club' which starts in October. The church music director and my choral partner sent an email saying that there are more 7th and 8th graders who have signed up for choir this year than the past 3 years she's been with the School. YES!!! I really miss having a choir. It is one of my strong points as a musician. And I need practice! This will be so fun. I've already thought of repetoire and I think the kids are really gonna take hold and run with it.
     With all the thoughts I wanted to share, my mind is at a stand still. This is good. I need sleep. Until next time, goodnight!

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