Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 9

     What a week. It's so hard to get back into the swing of things after a long weekend. Tuesday: tired, tired, and more tired. All of us.
     Maybe this blog should be called "7th Grade Mayhem". I don't know, but why are boys so difficult? That never changes, does it...well anyways, I'm finally wising up. You can't follow directions and zip it in class? Drumroll...HOMEWORK!! You continue not to follow directions or zip it up in class? Dadadada...CLEANING MY ROOM EVERY DAY AFTER SCHOOL!! Just a note, this is not only a problem in my classroom. There are certain students who just have major discipline issues all around. I am so appreciative to have the support of other teachers and administrators in this area. Let's just say WE are cracking down. No more shenanigans. I really hope these kids start learning, otherwise they will be in detention every week. They will not be allowed to play sports. They will catch hell from their parents (well, that is subjective), and eventually they will not have a class to sit in. They will have to repeat a grade. The cycle of consequences goes on and on. To be fair, most of the student body is very well behaved. They understand the difference between school etiquette vs. out of school play time.
     It is unfortunate, however, in most of these cases, the kids have serious issues. They have learning disabilities, attention issues, and sometimes it can be as simple as needing glasses! There are many things I'd like to think regarding the parental units of such kids, but I really don't know the entire situation. I just hope that WE can all work together to better every student's ability to learn and succeed. Does this always happen? Hells no. Sad.
     I think I've begun to find a method to my music teaching madness. This week I had every grade review rhythm...again. But this time, they were responsible for creating a 'rap' of sorts to certain rhythm patterns. They are responsible for performing this rap in class...for a grade!! Who woulda thunk it?! But they actually started to work on it like you would imagine normal students would! Heeeyyy alright!
     Lessons start on Monday. There is a total of 23 students. The schedule is finally completed. I am really excited to start exercising my one-on one- teaching skills. Many of the students have asked very excitedly when we will start. This is something I actually have a lot of experience in. Well, I have experience as a student, but I plan to use that in my teaching practice. I don't have any extra time, but my goal was to create a full-time position out of my part-time pay, and oh dear...I did just that. It's amazing what we can accomplish when we have goals and drive.
     Today, I brought in my green and gold pom poms just to razz the kids. It's so funny seeing their reaction to me being a Packers fan! I love it. I just hope the Pack can have another great season cause I'm not looking forward to 400 kids telling me, "See? I told you the Packers suck" (although the term 'suck' is not considered appropriate language). But as true Green Bay fans know, this is the ebb and flow of the green and gold.
     All week, I have been working on 3 Patriotic songs for our 9/11 program tomorrow morning. I tried to express the enormity of this event to each class. Many of them were not even born yet. However, we talked about it and I think they at least understand what a major event in US history this was. My heart goes out to all those lost, all families who lost loved ones, all soldiers who have given their time to fight a war we are still fighting, and all those who just think, like myself, what a tragic event this was. Please take the time and give reverence. Reflect on how lucky we are to be writing, reading, watching, functioning as normal beings when so many others cannot.

1 comment:

  1. can also have to do with the fact that 7th grade boys have raging hormone issues they don't understand and you are a lovely young woman. They will act out in any way they can to get your attention.
