Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 6

     The weather conditions continue to worsen. It was so hot in my room today. I literally was dizzy and sick to my stomach. Thank goodness the 8th grade was on a field trip. I only had the 1st grades and a 4th grade...the 4th grade was in the class mayhem? I think so. What can I expect? We shared many things today: sweat, ants in the pants, water, irritation, and yes, some Bears/Packers banter. That was about it. Poor kids. Just to clue you in, not every classroom is without AC. The Junior High classrooms mostly have it. A few teachers have invested in AC units for their rooms. The auditorium, library, and computer lab have AC as well. Unfortunately, my room is none of the above. Oh well. I very much commend the students for making it through the day and am grateful that lessons haven't started yet. Translation: I do not have to be at school tomorrow. Some neighboring schools actually cancelled classes tomorrow because of the heat. This is a great idea. It truly is a potential danger.
     My apartment isn't much better. The cheap ass I am only has one unit in my living/bedroom area. The kitchen where I am writing now is without AC. I am still sweating. I look at it as a Bikram Yoga session minus all the poses. Speaking of yoga, I was told by the staff that for the 'resource period' which will begin in 2 weeks, I can do yoga with the kids. Am I going to try it one day a week? Yes!! Will music be playing? Yes!! What a fun idea.
     On a different note, I just downloaded Adele's album "21". She is absolutely amazing. Her music really gets to your heart. I would recommend this album to anyone. This is the type of music I used to write. It is beginning to motivate me to write again. From the heart. No holds barred. Vulnerable. Beautiful. Simple.
     For those of you who grew up in central Wisconsin, you are well aware that this weekend is 'Fun Days'. I was hoping to get home, but it didn't work out. Please have some cheese curds for me! Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me about this 'blog'...( i hate that word!)
PS: In all the mayhem of our lives, the sunset is majestic tonight!

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