Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week 5

     Well, I continue to make a fool of myself to get the student's laughing. But it works! Today, I was able to get the attention of the 7th grade mayhem class by standing on a chair and putting on my best 'rapper' persona...did they get through the rhythm lines AND keep in tempo??? yep.
     Now that lessons are in full swing, I've had to deal with more parents than ever for numerous reasons. However, I received a very... hmm...what's the right word...DIRECT email. Basically, a student didn't bring her books so I rescheduled her lesson for another day. I didn't press the issue as I thought more could get accomplished by just rescheduling. Well, the parent seemed furious that his daughter did not have piano at her scheduled time...blahblah. I mean, come on man! I didn't even scold her and I rescheduled her lesson for 8am when I don't even have to be at school til 10am!  Of course it was a big misunderstanding and I hope the response to my reply email will be a bit more kind. I'm a lil fragile when I'm just trying to help!
     So, after finally investing in some computer speakers to actually play MUSIC in MUSIC CLASS, I got motivated to round up the other random, new, unused technology at my school. I found a projector so I can actually show videos from online, I found a 'smartboard' type of tool that projects real time paper on the screen, and I got use of the Notebook that supposedly works with all three. Yes, all three work great. Getting them to work great together? I swear God is pissed at me or something. I'm going to end up having cords everywhere, but I don't care! I will tape them down or something cause damnit! I will get it to work!
     On a lighter note, it never gets old walking in to school in the morning, tired, grumpy, hungry, etc, and hearing a student yell down the hall, "Hi Miss Courchaine!!" Ahh, I love that. It immediately gives me energy. And thank goodness. Cause I can't stop the kids from coming into my room just because I'm tired. They are there. Awake. Bouncy. Chatty. Silly. Goofy. And Engaged...awww.

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