Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Break!!

First of all, I'd like to say Happy Holidays to all and thank you so much for your support in reading this blog. I've had a few people ask me when I will post again: I appreciate the enthusiasm. It's been quite a hectic few weeks, that's for sure. I had a lovely Christmas in Wisconsin with my family, extended family, and DA PACK!
Prior to that, the last 2 weeks of school went as follows:
Call from Principal 2.5 weeks away from Christmas...excuse me..."Advent Prayer Service"..."Stacy, hi, just wanted to see how the music was coming. I'm getting phone calls from parents who are concerned that their child doesn't have their music for the play"...
Me: "Well, that's not true. I have picked out music and started working on it, but the other teachers are adamant on a few songs from last year that I don't have."
Him: "Well, you have to understand that this is a HUGE deal in our school and parish. Basically, everything stops for this program. So, if you need to cancel lessons and music classes, that's what you need to do." 
Me: "OK, well we have a rehearsal schedule and everything is going to be fabulous but I understand your concern."
Him: "Great! Just checking."
....The program WAS fabulous. If grades were learning harmony, playing instruments, or something more difficult than singing music in unison, I would've been worried. But the amazing thing about kids is that they soak everything up. First grade learned their songs within 2 class periods (60 min) total. Every grade did a phenomenal job. There were many compliments passed and I was so proud of my students! The older girls really stepped up and sounded the best I've heard them so far. We also acquired 2-3 more students for choir/glee club. Things really went well. However, there were lessons learned:
1. Start Christmas music before Thanksgiving (no matter how weird it seems)
2. Try to schedule WAY ahead of time (so people stay off my back)
3. Start music earlier=more difficult music!! (my goal for next year)
Everything in this position is a learning experience. That's why I love it. The students teach me so much and I only hope it's reciprocated. I've been planning the curriculum for the Spring and things seem like they are falling into my head. Of course nothing in this job is set. It is a constant adaptation of elements. Again...a reason I love it. Another reason: being on break right now!!! It's the perfect time to rejuvenate, hang out with friends and family, and be merry!
I am really excited to spend NYE in Marathon with a certain dashing gentleman, my family, sister, and friends! How fun! I hope all of you have a wonderful new year and I promise to write more often!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I'm done counting weeks

     This Friday was the end of the first trimester. I made it through one. It sure hasn't been a smooth ride. However, it has been extremely rewarding. I've learned so much and have somuch more to learn. Let me give you break-down of what's been going on:

5th and 6th grades are working on the "Soundtrack of Your Life" project. It's so funny. They pick 6 songs and write why they chose them. Then they make a CD case showcasing their songs. It's a really cool activity. It's really interesting to read why the students chose certain songs.

The 8th grade will begin the task of learning "Don't Stop Believing" this coming week. The arrangement I chose is NOT easy but it's the only one that actually sounds cool. If they don't get on the wagon with this, they will not be going on the field trip. It's that simple.

3rd and 4th grade started learning the recorder. The 3rd grade was so excited to actually have their very own instrument. They are pumped and so am I.

On Friday for my resource period, I only had the 3rd grade since 4th was on a field trip. We had a dance party. I put on to the 'Britney Spears' station. Of course the songs that pop up are the songs they listen to on the radio. I only needed to skip a few of them. At the build up of a song by Rhianna, I went to the lights and flicked them like a 'club'. They LOVED it! They were all screaming and dancing around like maniacs. It was hilarious. Next purchase for my room will be a disco ball. They told their teachers it was the 'best Friday ever!!' It really was! So cute and fun.

I'm a little nervous about grades since I know I will be hearing from parents. Hopefully, I will be able to handle them with some sort of confidence and grace. We shall see.
     I am excited for Thanksgiving break. If you haven't figured out by now, teaching is NOT easy! I wouldn't trade it for the world though.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Today was a good day...

     After 3 weeks of 'break down after students leave' Tuesdays, today was finally a good day. I think 5th grade is finally on board.
     Today was the first day of  "Glee Club". Six 7th grade girls with beautiful voices. Our first song is
"Let It Be" by the Beatles. I am re-arranging the score a bit to accomodate 3 part harmony. So excited! None of the girls have sang 3 part harmony yet but they are very enthusiastic.
     Cute story: One of the glee members has a sister in 4th grade. She told me her sister has been practicing yoga everyday at home in the basement. She even has her brother doing it. Supposedly, this little girl opened a 'yoga studio' in her basement!! HOW AWESOME!
     Another cute story: I decorated my room as previously mentioned. After a few more purchases, my room was debuted today. The students love it! I went with the scary, spooky theme. Cobwebs everywhere, skulls (glitter, light up, big and small), tombstones, a body outline with a syringe and a brain next to it, black roses, and a heart organ...hahaha. It was so funny. The kindergarten didn't know what to think, poking and prodding everything, the middle grades thought it was cool, the older grades were enthralled. Student, "Miss Courchaine! You really love holidays!" Me, "I did all of this for you! Because I thought you might like it."
     You know, a lot of my students have been asking me a very interesting question, "Why did you give up your dream/performing to be a teacher HERE??" It's hard to explain to them how life works. How we are given many paths to choose. How our path is unique to each of us. It's hard to explain life to those who are just starting to live. I want to be clear. I did not in any way give up on my dream. I think I've accomplished quite a bit. I've recorded a CD of original music, performed in Chicago, have taught music to multiple ages, and hopefully inspired a few people along the way.
     I know I created this, but I know I did not accomplish it alone. I've always had the support of my family. Always. I love my family dearly. Each person is so unique and inspiring. I'm also blessed to have the best guardian angel a girl could ask for. Love you bro. 10/16/03

Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween Extravaganza!!

     Because last week was SOO up and down, I did not feel the urge to write. Better to ride the wave...
This week in music is "HALLOWEEN EXTRAVAGANZA!!!!" What this means exactly, I'm not even sure. I just made it up to get the kids excited about Music and Halloween=Musicween??  Anyways, I decorated my room today. It's full of cobwebs...and spooky stuff. It should be fun. I have a large stash of candy and prizes for the winners of 'music bingo'. Not to say that there won't be some ass whooping in a few classes...
     First off, 5th grade. They're gettin' a shake-down tomorrow performed by the principal and myself. They need to be reminded of who is in charge and where they are. Business attire? I think I shall.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Whoa! Week 9

     Time sure flies when you're havin' fun! Or have Columbus Day off, can't get back in the groove, then travel to Wisco and finally take out the trash...that was last week/weekend. But. I am finally settled back in my newly clean apartment, fridge stocked, and ready to rock. This week is the FORM quiz for grades 5-8. It will be interesting since they still have a difficult time understanding that they receive a grade. I will also be handing back graded assignments. I have to wonder, "Why would a music TEACHER not require assignments or grades in music class?" This seems to have been the case, and let me tell ya right now folks, that ain't the case no more. Yes you will be graded on 'assignments'. Yes I do record them in the grade book. Yes your music class grade affects your GPA...HELLO?!!
   OK, now on to the next unit. MELODY. Yes, it's about time these kids sing. We will be learning the ever helpful Solfege method. Their task? Teach the class a song using solfege. The younger grades move on to the recorder. Don't worry, earplugs are in the mail...
     Now for the reflective portion...I was working at my computer today and the principal walked in with a dude. They asked where I'd like a flat screen because all classrooms will eventually have them. This made me very happy. What made me not so happy was when my principal said, "Well, maybe we shouldn't put one in here because you will have your room set up and then be gone."  Me: "What?" Him: "Well, you will probably leave us for a better offer." Me thinking in my head: "I understand why you said that (cause I'm SOOO awesome), but please give me a chance and trust that I don't start something I can't finish." At this point, I can't imagine going to another school. I'm just getting started. This school needs me! And I need them. This school will allow me to teach and learn to teach music to a Large group of students. This job allows me to teach private lessons and gain experience with one-on-one interaction. This job allows me to sing and worship on a regular basis. Now, I'm not saying anything for sure, but I think I've got a good thing going and I'm not about to think of quitting or moving on now!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Week 7

     As I've mentioned previously, my resource period of 40+ students practices yoga on Mondays. I downloaded some cool tribal music to get into our zen. I also started sending emails to local yoga studios in hopes of getting mats donated. Well, we are on our way to getting mats for each student! The studio I practice at has 4 locations and the owner emailed me back and said they have a bunch of mats for me to have...yes, have. I am so pumped and I think the students will really start to take it more seriously. It's so funny watching them try these poses hopping around and asking me, "Miss Courchaine!! Am I doing it right??" They aren't too shabby either. It's really cute.
     This week the 6th and 7th grade handed in lyrics to a song for our unit on Form. We began with looking at verse-chorus form which is standard in contemporary music. Their job was to print out a song and label it...we went through the guidelines...what was appropriate or not, etc. Yet, I still got lyrics that had swear words, racial slurs, songs talking about having sex, booty, drinking, get the picture. So, I compiled my "favorite lines" from these songs and read my compilation to each class. Of course I was very dramatic and tried to read these lines with gusto and poetic rhythm. Almost with a Bill Cosby flavor, "I got my pants. Girl....shake your...booty." At first some students couldn't help laughing, but by the time I was reading a lyric that had the 'n' word in it, their eyes were popping out of their heads and they were actually blushing. I threw them all away and told them to start over. We went through each detail very carefully several times of what is appropriate and what isn't. I HOPE that they proof-read like we discussed because if anyone still hands something of poor taste in, it is an immediate conference with them, their parents, and the principal.
     Sometimes it amazes me how badly behaved these kids are. I mean, I understand it's grade school, but this community of students is really bad! I don't know when they are going to learn and it is unfortunate that the school does not have a better back-up system for discipline. There is a discipline code, but it's out of date and not able to be used properly. Very frustrating.
     On to a more uplifting note. I sang for the masses on Sunday morning. This was done on minimal sleep (hey, I have to have some sort of social/dating life right?!) but I woke up anyways and got it done. There were many students and their families at church. It was so cute when they saw me because they just gave a huge smile and wave hi. Of course I smiled and waved back! It's so funny how the Catholic church is so serious that a kid feels it's wrong to even wave or smile or LOOK at someone else...anyways, after the last mass, some of my piano students and their moms were outside so I said hello. The moms were very nice and praised my singing. thank you. Here's the best part: As I walking away, I overheard one of the moms say, "Isn't she just lovely? She is so lovely." That has to be one of the most touching compliments a mom of a student could say, or anyone for that matter! It really gave me a sense of pride and acknowledgement that I must be doing something right. If I were described as anything, I only wished it would be that kind. How blessed am I?
     The 8th grade has really been coming around after I shared the field trip opportunity. The way the 6th and 7th grade have been behaving, I really think it's going to be the 8th grade that I take. They REALLY want to go and have already changed their behavior in lieu of this opportunity. I was surprised when I told the 7th grade about it and how it was between them and 8th grade, that one student said I should just take the 8th grade cause it's their last year and the 7th grade could go next year. He didn't want the 8th grade 'missing out'. I thought that was really thoughtful and nice. Anyways, my principal is pumped about it and completely backing me. Yay!
     I also finally got the piano in my classroom tuned!!! Just like I did as a kid, I spent a few hours playing all the music I have at school. It's a really great piano and I'm getting used to the feel of it. My piano students are also very thankful...How can you really play piano with the A below Middle C note sticking?? You can't. My students have really been doing well this week with the piano. I can tell they are practicing more. I will be picking up 2 more students soon...where will they fit in?? OH, didn't you know that you can summon extra hours out of the day if you need them?  Just kidding, I will work it out. I'm just excited that so many students are interested in music. I love my job!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week 6...or technically 7

     There are many things I am thankful for today. The first two that come to mind are my mom and dad. I have inherited an incredible work ethic from my father and a natural, common sense smartness ( ok my mom is too smart naturally), from my mother. This being said, as I close one door of my path, 10 more open. I am no longer slinging drinks on Saturday nights. Yes! This has been a goal of mine for too long. With that, however, I have been picking up work with the church. In the past 10 days I have sang for 3 funerals and 3 masses with another funeral tomorrow. Yes, 3 masses...all this morning...the first at does this help me slow down and get a day off? I'm not sure. But I do know that I'd rather be singing in church, seeing my students and their families, building a reputation with my school and community, participating in what I can, teaching these kids, showing them that I do more than just teach in a classroom...than working til 3am every weekend.
     I also attended my first school function on Saturday evening. Our school held a fundraiser that included a silent and live auction. It was very successful. We raised so much money for our school. When my principal saw me, he gave me a hug and thanked me for coming. This makes me realize how lucky and blessed I am to be a part of this amazing community. This I am also thankful for.
     A recap of this past week may be lengthy but it was a turning point I hope. Tuesdays continue to be a struggle...It is my fault. I need to prepare better. I need to be ready for my students, choose one strategy and concept, then execute. This simple process though, is very tough. I had my first breakdown on Tuesday. As soon as my break came, I closed my door, and the tears wouldn't stop. I was so frustrated with a few students and it had a domino effect on the rest of the day. I know it's partially my fault for not planning better, but damn! sometimes those kids can be little shits! I was able to re-group and have a better week.
     I was also able to secure a location for my field trip. Yes, old friends come in handy! Instead of just bringing a class to a musical or something, I thought I could get a bit more creative. I now have confirmed a trip to a professional, state of the art recording studio. The class going will get a tour and tutorial of how a song is really put together. These kids have no idea how much layering, editing, etc goes into the music they listen to! At the end, this class will record a song and get the CD as a memoir of cool?! I have been really thinking of which class to take...6th grade has been very responsive to our work in class and they can really sing...7th grade heathens have been coming around and at least participating...8th grade....well....I feel like I've been letting them fall to the wayside. So, I had a conversation with the 8th grade on Thursday. See, I haven't been teaching them what the other classes have been learning. I thought I could have a more formal, mature, Internet and Music type of class. But, it's BORING!!! I don't want to lecture to them! I don't want to treat them as young adults cause they aren't! They are still kids. Still kids who need to laugh and learn and sing and be goofy. I realized this and told them that I have not been doing my job. I have not been giving them the essential tools of music like the other grades. I have not been giving them a fair shake at succeeding with music. I have not given them the benefit of the doubt. So, I told them about the field trip and what it would take for them to have a chance at going. Basically, they are 2-3 weeks behind the other grades. They were so excited about this opportunity and said they would do whatever it took to have a 'chance' at going! This gets me pumped. Even though I only have them for a year, why can't I teach them all I know about music? Why can't they learn what the other grades are learning? Why??? Well, they can. And they will. Yay.
     On Friday after school, I had four 7th grade boys come to clean my room as punishment. They showed up right at 3pm on the dot. "Miss Courchaine! We're here! What should we do?" I gave them a long list and they got to work. I had my ipod going and all of a sudden, 3 more 7th grade boys poked their heads in..."What are you guys doin? Oh! Cleaning? I wanna help...errr..." I had 7 boys in my room cleaning. What a sight! It was a good time to bond. One of the kids who popped in has been having major problems at school. He is on the cusp of either turning things around and being a good kid or...going the other way. I am so thankful he poked his head in and stayed. I basically told them all: "Listen you little shits, you need to start behaving in school or you will have a hell of a lot of trouble ahead".  By the end of their time, they asked me if they could come and clean funny. I love it though.
      As I get more comfortable with my job and getting to know my students, I can't help but think how lucky I am. Teaching is an extremely difficult profession but the rewards are so incredible. I love what I do. Now that I am building more relationships with students, teachers, parents and the church, I know this is where I am supposed to be. Even at the masses today, having the kids see me and wave and say hi, made my day. No. I did not sleep much. Yes. I am tired. But I have such a sense of peace when I am there. I cannot wait to see what happens next!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Week 5 con'd

     My last post was a bit of a 'freak out' entry. Today I realize what an idiot I still am. To follow up on the parent email: My student came in for her make-up lesson. When she signed up in the beginning of the year, her dad had asked if she could do both voice and piano. After thinking about this, I said we could try it...splitting a 30 minute lesson between both is difficult. Going from one week piano to one week voice is even more difficult...Anyways, apparently my student thought she was having a voice lesson which is why she didn't bring her books. She didn't mention this so I naively assumed she forgot her materials. Today, in her lesson we spoke about it. Well! I read the email completely wrong. She is VERY excited about voice and it seems she would prefer the bulk of her lessons be that. We went through a brief overview of how our voice lessons would be, posture, breathing, warm-ups, etc. It was the first time I saw a sparkle in her eyes and her loosen up a bit. She has a natural gift. All she needs! It's all worked out and I am excited to teach her what I know about singing!
     I also reflected on my dynamic with the 8th grade. I've been trying to treat them as the 'older more mature' students. This has not been effective. In reality, they are not old! They are still so young. They need to laugh to be engaged. Therefore, I am changing my direction and reverting to 'acting a fool' with them starting next week. This has been working for every other grade, why not those 8th graders??
     Just a side note; I love my dad so much. I've been speaking with him frequently about my experiences and he has given me some incredible insight and ideas. I knew I loved and respected him before, but at 32 years old, he continues to amaze me. I am so thankful to have a family that is supportive, intuitive, and insightful.
     Switching gears. I had mentioned previously my idea of a field trip. I thought bringing a class to see a musical or something would be awesome. But, after thinking about it and hearing from other teachers that this option is offered through other subjects, I knew I'd have to get more creative. For some reason...(well I know the reason) I always come up with great ideas when talking with my friend Lynn. She is an AMAZING artist. She is extremely versatile but her strong suit is painting on canvas with acrylics and using fabrics and other things to create a 3D effect. Anyways, I came up with the best MUSIC MAYHEM field trip ever! I will bring my students to a state of the art recording studio in downtown Chicago. They will learn about the recording process and at the end....wait for it...we will record a song that will be put on a CD for them to keep...! How cool? Well, I think it's pretty sweet and it beats going to a musical any day...for Junior High Kids! Now, which grade to bring? This is TBD.
   Shifting into 2nd gear, I've been re-configuring my classroom set-up. The first 3 weeks I had the desks in a semi-circle of sorts. Not happy with it. This week, I did rows. NO. Now, I put the desks into a large circle...I'm hoping this is the winner. Third time's a charm right? I will stand in the middle, no one will be behind anyone else, we will be facing each other, united. It's gotta work right? I was also able to get my projector to work by "boojeying" it up. Next step: setting up the camera pen. Then, eliminating the crazy cord situation that's growing out of my desk!!
     Easing into 3rd gear. I just downloaded a really great 'yoga' CD. I can't wait to play it for our Yoga Mondays. I took a poll today with my resource class to see if they liked doing yoga. More than the majority raised their hands. Their complaint? Too much talking!! Ha. That's my yogis. I'm hoping the music will eliminate that problem a bit. If not, sorry slackers. You are going back to your homerooms. I am also working on getting mats. This would be fabulous! I think the kids would really take it more seriously if they had their space and mat.
     And finally, coasting in neutral down the long and winding road...I had a great conversation with a friend the other night. We were discussing my professional situation. He said a few things that were very kind.
" You know, Stace, I see you becoming a traveling teacher in the future. You have made things happen at your school in one month what the previous teacher hadn't been able to do her entire time there. You make great money giving private lessons and when it comes time for your contract to be renewed, I'd ask for double. You will have so many parents supporting you that the school will have to oblige! Why not give private lessons full time going from school to school?"
     Me, "I am so thankful for having a job that I love, doing what I love, AND making money at it. I'd love to be a traveling teacher of sorts." But I love being in a classroom setting...the challenge. I love having a choir. This is so important. I learn more from my students each day than I could ever have imagined. This idea of traveling to other schools or having a studio has always been in my thoughts. Hell, I plan to be a Professor someday! But, I need to take baby steps and gain experience. Learn and learn some more.
     This is what we all need to do. Take each experience full-heartedly. We have so much to learn. So far to grow. It's amazing what we have been given on this Earth. I am humbled and blessed each day. I hope you are in your lives as well.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Week 5

     Well, I continue to make a fool of myself to get the student's laughing. But it works! Today, I was able to get the attention of the 7th grade mayhem class by standing on a chair and putting on my best 'rapper' persona...did they get through the rhythm lines AND keep in tempo??? yep.
     Now that lessons are in full swing, I've had to deal with more parents than ever for numerous reasons. However, I received a very... hmm...what's the right word...DIRECT email. Basically, a student didn't bring her books so I rescheduled her lesson for another day. I didn't press the issue as I thought more could get accomplished by just rescheduling. Well, the parent seemed furious that his daughter did not have piano at her scheduled time...blahblah. I mean, come on man! I didn't even scold her and I rescheduled her lesson for 8am when I don't even have to be at school til 10am!  Of course it was a big misunderstanding and I hope the response to my reply email will be a bit more kind. I'm a lil fragile when I'm just trying to help!
     So, after finally investing in some computer speakers to actually play MUSIC in MUSIC CLASS, I got motivated to round up the other random, new, unused technology at my school. I found a projector so I can actually show videos from online, I found a 'smartboard' type of tool that projects real time paper on the screen, and I got use of the Notebook that supposedly works with all three. Yes, all three work great. Getting them to work great together? I swear God is pissed at me or something. I'm going to end up having cords everywhere, but I don't care! I will tape them down or something cause damnit! I will get it to work!
     On a lighter note, it never gets old walking in to school in the morning, tired, grumpy, hungry, etc, and hearing a student yell down the hall, "Hi Miss Courchaine!!" Ahh, I love that. It immediately gives me energy. And thank goodness. Cause I can't stop the kids from coming into my room just because I'm tired. They are there. Awake. Bouncy. Chatty. Silly. Goofy. And Engaged...awww.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Weekend Worship

     Since I've been so busy this week, I thought I'd share a few thoughts now. I knew this week was going to be tough. My first full week. Then I had monthly girls night...(this time we did mani/pedis...not to take away from our other nights of painting wine glasses or playing Apples to Apples, along with many libations to boot!) I had to take a class on Child Abuse...what a downer. Then Friday came. I got on the bus almost to school. I knew I was avoiding something...oh yeah, it's Dave's birthday. I could no longer contain my tears and cried all the way to school. I cried in my classroom. I tried not to think about it, got through the day and left. But wait!! I had to work Friday night too. Yes! Something else to keep my mind occupied. Now, I sit here, with writing to occupy my head but I still think of Dave. It is amazing how our minds play tricks on us...'Maybe if I try not to think about it, my head will just move on''s working!  Then the mind says, "AH HA!! Gotcha! You can't escape me that easily!" To clarify, I would never want to escape the thought of my brother. But I would like to escape the thought that he isn't here. When I think that thought, I get so overwelmingly sad. That thought consumes my head, heart, and body. It makes me stop in my tracks. It makes me forget what I'm doing. It makes me angry. Confused. Upset. Sad. Horribly sad. Anxious. I hate that thought. How can I learn to love it?? Well, I'm still working on that one. But, this blog of sorts has been a savior. I am able to write about things in my life that are important. Teaching, Family, Home, Friends, David.
     This next month has and will always be the hardest of the year. This month between September 16th and October 16th. Knowing what October 16th brings is the worst ending to a story. To a life. I want so badly to find hope and goodness in it, but it's just so hard. I miss my friend, brother, and partner in crime. I will never let us forget him. I made that promise to him the day I saw his body in the casket. Really certain he was gone. The day our lives were a little less full of life. We struggle with this. And we get better. Learn to cope. Learn to be happy and live again. Learn to reach our goals. Learn to be a teacher. Learn to be a musician and leader. Learn to love others whole heartedly. Learn to be compassionate and emphatic. We learn and we keep going. But that one little thought will never go away. It will never change the snowball effect of emotions...Anger. Confusion. Upset. Sadness. Horrible Sadness. Anxiety.
     I know we can all take these emotions we all know too well, and come together for a greater purpose with them. We, as alive human beings, can do something that is bigger than ourselves. For each emotion, there is a positive opposite...Happiness, Clarity, Contentment. Delight. Enlightenment. Calm. This is what I strive for. This is how I try to turn my emotions around. This is what I try to bring to my classroom. This is what I struggle to project and feel on a daily basis. This is what needs to happen for all of us to become better people. I love each and every one of you for taking time to read my thoughts and hope you can take something away from this.
     Next week is nearing and I am going to be courageous with my emotions. I will be brutally honest to those who care to listen. I will be open ears for those who wish to speak. Have a great rest of the weekend...I didn't have to time to edit so excuse any mistakes!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day ?? Week 4

     Where to begin...I've been waiting for a moment to sit down and write all week. Finally, I am able to. Things are now in full swing. I began private lessons this week. Love it!! It's so fun to work one-on-one with students. It really gives us a chance to build a respectful, fun, and trusting relationship. My saying for the week: "So, who is your BFF?"... (Giggle, giggle, giggle) so and so...."Well, you're new BFF is someone called 'Middle C'...(giggle, giggle, giggle). So cute.
     My Resource Period also began on Monday. In a previous post I mentioned there would be more on that in a minute...It's a minute. 45 kids in my classroom by myself 4 days, 30 minutes each. Now, how did I let my other 'resource team members' (aka other teachers), talk me into this?  OH YEAH! I was hustled! I've always heard that teachers never have a problem dumping stuff on you any chance they get, but now I've been officially victimized...asses. But! I will not give up. I will perservere. I will try and try again! Teaching mantra? Hmm...
     Next on the agenda is 'Glee Club' which starts in October. The church music director and my choral partner sent an email saying that there are more 7th and 8th graders who have signed up for choir this year than the past 3 years she's been with the School. YES!!! I really miss having a choir. It is one of my strong points as a musician. And I need practice! This will be so fun. I've already thought of repetoire and I think the kids are really gonna take hold and run with it.
     With all the thoughts I wanted to share, my mind is at a stand still. This is good. I need sleep. Until next time, goodnight!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 9

     What a week. It's so hard to get back into the swing of things after a long weekend. Tuesday: tired, tired, and more tired. All of us.
     Maybe this blog should be called "7th Grade Mayhem". I don't know, but why are boys so difficult? That never changes, does it...well anyways, I'm finally wising up. You can't follow directions and zip it in class? Drumroll...HOMEWORK!! You continue not to follow directions or zip it up in class? Dadadada...CLEANING MY ROOM EVERY DAY AFTER SCHOOL!! Just a note, this is not only a problem in my classroom. There are certain students who just have major discipline issues all around. I am so appreciative to have the support of other teachers and administrators in this area. Let's just say WE are cracking down. No more shenanigans. I really hope these kids start learning, otherwise they will be in detention every week. They will not be allowed to play sports. They will catch hell from their parents (well, that is subjective), and eventually they will not have a class to sit in. They will have to repeat a grade. The cycle of consequences goes on and on. To be fair, most of the student body is very well behaved. They understand the difference between school etiquette vs. out of school play time.
     It is unfortunate, however, in most of these cases, the kids have serious issues. They have learning disabilities, attention issues, and sometimes it can be as simple as needing glasses! There are many things I'd like to think regarding the parental units of such kids, but I really don't know the entire situation. I just hope that WE can all work together to better every student's ability to learn and succeed. Does this always happen? Hells no. Sad.
     I think I've begun to find a method to my music teaching madness. This week I had every grade review rhythm...again. But this time, they were responsible for creating a 'rap' of sorts to certain rhythm patterns. They are responsible for performing this rap in class...for a grade!! Who woulda thunk it?! But they actually started to work on it like you would imagine normal students would! Heeeyyy alright!
     Lessons start on Monday. There is a total of 23 students. The schedule is finally completed. I am really excited to start exercising my one-on one- teaching skills. Many of the students have asked very excitedly when we will start. This is something I actually have a lot of experience in. Well, I have experience as a student, but I plan to use that in my teaching practice. I don't have any extra time, but my goal was to create a full-time position out of my part-time pay, and oh dear...I did just that. It's amazing what we can accomplish when we have goals and drive.
     Today, I brought in my green and gold pom poms just to razz the kids. It's so funny seeing their reaction to me being a Packers fan! I love it. I just hope the Pack can have another great season cause I'm not looking forward to 400 kids telling me, "See? I told you the Packers suck" (although the term 'suck' is not considered appropriate language). But as true Green Bay fans know, this is the ebb and flow of the green and gold.
     All week, I have been working on 3 Patriotic songs for our 9/11 program tomorrow morning. I tried to express the enormity of this event to each class. Many of them were not even born yet. However, we talked about it and I think they at least understand what a major event in US history this was. My heart goes out to all those lost, all families who lost loved ones, all soldiers who have given their time to fight a war we are still fighting, and all those who just think, like myself, what a tragic event this was. Please take the time and give reverence. Reflect on how lucky we are to be writing, reading, watching, functioning as normal beings when so many others cannot.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day 6

     The weather conditions continue to worsen. It was so hot in my room today. I literally was dizzy and sick to my stomach. Thank goodness the 8th grade was on a field trip. I only had the 1st grades and a 4th grade...the 4th grade was in the class mayhem? I think so. What can I expect? We shared many things today: sweat, ants in the pants, water, irritation, and yes, some Bears/Packers banter. That was about it. Poor kids. Just to clue you in, not every classroom is without AC. The Junior High classrooms mostly have it. A few teachers have invested in AC units for their rooms. The auditorium, library, and computer lab have AC as well. Unfortunately, my room is none of the above. Oh well. I very much commend the students for making it through the day and am grateful that lessons haven't started yet. Translation: I do not have to be at school tomorrow. Some neighboring schools actually cancelled classes tomorrow because of the heat. This is a great idea. It truly is a potential danger.
     My apartment isn't much better. The cheap ass I am only has one unit in my living/bedroom area. The kitchen where I am writing now is without AC. I am still sweating. I look at it as a Bikram Yoga session minus all the poses. Speaking of yoga, I was told by the staff that for the 'resource period' which will begin in 2 weeks, I can do yoga with the kids. Am I going to try it one day a week? Yes!! Will music be playing? Yes!! What a fun idea.
     On a different note, I just downloaded Adele's album "21". She is absolutely amazing. Her music really gets to your heart. I would recommend this album to anyone. This is the type of music I used to write. It is beginning to motivate me to write again. From the heart. No holds barred. Vulnerable. Beautiful. Simple.
     For those of you who grew up in central Wisconsin, you are well aware that this weekend is 'Fun Days'. I was hoping to get home, but it didn't work out. Please have some cheese curds for me! Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with me about this 'blog'...( i hate that word!)
PS: In all the mayhem of our lives, the sunset is majestic tonight!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 5

     We are back to sweltering conditions. Hot, muggy, almost unbearable. For how this affected the kids, see First Day and Day 2 posts. Enough said.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 4...Officially

     Wow!!! My 'overwelmingness' continues... Today I received an extensive list of more things to complete: An online course about child abuse, finger prints, Catholic Diocese religion courses(mandatory), another course (basically about what is appropriate or not in regards to student interaction), a resource meeting ( I will have about 50 kids a day to deal with...more on that later), still trying to figure out where the hell to start with classroom teaching, and last but not least, continuing my journey through private lessons. Oh yeah, and I am officially a firm believer in the laundry ghost...wahahah. Have you ever done laundry and come up a sock or two short? I have. Always thought the dryer ate it. Yesterday was a new experience. I washed all bedding, comforter, sheets, and pillowcases. I didn't lose a sock. I lost a pillowcase. "How is that possible?" one might ask. Well, my only conclusion is, the ghosts of laundry's past. I am completely baffled. How does one lose 1 out of 4 pillowcases? Never in my 14 years of doing my own laundry have I lost such a large article! Ok...I was singing in my laundry basement...loudly. Ok ghosts, you can 'sleep with me'!
     Anyways, it's been a day, let me tell you! 7th grade continues to test me. The boys continue to 'yearn for my affections'...well, that's what I'd like to think. However, after tediously reviewing rhythm and handing out a worksheet with notes, going through it with Kodaly, and painfully repeating...along with repeating RULE #1(in tempo of course)..."LISTEN WHEN OTHERS ARE TALKING"...and writing this rule, "LISTEN WHEN OTHERS ARE TALKING" 5 times, they actually figured out which song it was without hearing any melodies. Yes! It was 'Bad Romance' by Lady Gaga. Heeeyyyy, they really are smart!!
     Kindergarten graced my room today for the first time (last week I went to their classrooms). I introduced them to... DADADADAH!! Rhythm sticks! This is a glorified term for 2 sticks that you beat together. They were so excited. And, after assessing them visually, they really were able to keep the beat while singing. Of course their attention was set on the guitar, piano, violin, and any other instrument in the room, but hey! They kept the beat!! And after 20 grueling minutes, with the kids literally sweating, we stopped class early for a water break. My favorite part: Lifting those little buggers up to reach the fountains. How cute!
     One of the 2nd grades had a substitute today. Woah. They were out of control. Why is it that this age group cannot stop touching each other?? They are constantly doing this. Is it a sense of freedom from 1st grade desks? Are they testing their independence? Or do they just need more love? Not sure, but we had to repeat RULE #3 many times: KEEP HANDS, FEET, AND OBJECTS TO YOURSELF. I am seriously putting together a quick rhythm with the rules for each grade to perfect. How funny is it that all the grades have the same rules? Yet it is always a work in progress.
     I finally got smart and put the correct search words into Google..."Curriculum Mapping for Gr___ in Music". Yes!! Finally, some sort of direction. Music teachers worldwide, thank you! We always joke about 'stealing' each other's material, but I prefer to call it 'borrowing'.  Readers, don't be offended. Ask ANY teacher about this concept and I'm sure they will say the same thing. Right now, it is my saving grace. I have somewhere to start. I can use a model. I can tweek. I can change. I can adapt. Yes! I have a start.
     Changing gears for a moment, I wasn't sure what sort of response (if any), I would get to this 'blog' of sorts. But I am so humbled by the responses I have gotten. My "First Day" entry has eluded to an overwelming response that I surely never thought I would get. Many of you have expressed how much you can relate to things I wrote about. This makes my heart beat. After hearing your comments, either personally or in writing, I re-read this post. I have to admit that every time I read it, I cry. My brother's death has forever left a mark on my heart. He is such a huge part of where I am today. I think everyday how much I wish he were here. How much I wish he could visit my class. How much I wish we could hang out. How much I wonder if he would have a family...yes I think he would. I think in all of the sadness, how much I thank him for giving me the courage to move forward. Become a better person. Relay this to others. HE IS AMAZING!  It is not easy to lay it on the line, but after the positivity! (yes, I am adopting this word), I am so thankful that my hands and heart continue to guide me through writing. Although this story is inspired by my students, they also inspire me to be brave and talk about things I really haven't shared. Wow, I haven't even begun to touch on the other 'life savers' of my life. I will. I promise. I am anxious to meet tomorrow's adventures. The other 7th grade, worse than today. 6th, 3rd and 4th. Lord help me.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday, Monday

Even though I didn't have students today, I ended up staying at school all day! I now have 23 students for private lessons...i'm officially overwelmed. Although I am very excited to start this aspect of teaching, I have no idea what I'm doing. Don't worry. I know how to teach piano. I don't know the best way to stay in touch with parents. I don't know the best way to handle monies. I don't know any of the practical logistics! I spent most of the day trying and re-trying different spreadsheets and forms. Not entirely happy with any of it. Then I realized, "Uh, hello Stacy, you haven't figured out what you are teaching this week." My mind cannot focus on one thing and I still haven't pinpointed exactly what to teach. I guess I have one good trait, working well under pressure...I just hope the pressure doesn't wait til 9:30 tomorrow morning when my 5th grade arrives...

Friday Woes

     Today I did not have school. This will not be the case usually, but until lessons and the resource period begin, I dont need to be there. So, of course, I sat home last night listening to acoustic versions of the following songs: Love the Way You Lie Part II by Rhianna, You Lost Me by Christina, and any Lady Gaga. This then led to listening others cover these songs, which led to other songs, which led to a bottle of wine and 3:00 in the morning. This is what happens when my evenings are not filled and I don't need to be responsible the next day! did give me a great idea for quickly teaching the older kids rhythm. Can you believe that they haven't had any music theory since 4th grade? They couldn't even identify an eighth note. I was truly shocked. Anyways, I am going to write out the notes for either Edge of Glory or Bad Romance. They will only see notes. Then we will learn the rhythm through Kodaly, which is a method of teaching music using 'ta' 'ti' and other syllables. Once they have that down. They will learn how to name notes..."Every Good Boy Does Fine" and "FACE". Lastly, I will play the passage for them and see if they can guess the song! Simple and fun.
     I also got a call from my principal today. I gave him a 'wish list' of instruments I'd love to have for my room. Very simple rhythm instruments like cymbals, drums, wood blocks, etc. Today he informed me that I will be able to get those instruments through the school's Campbell's soup label fundraising! How cool!! I'm so excited the kids will have nice, new instruments to use. By the way, if you eat Campbell's, save the labels for me!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 3

     Thursdays are going to be fun. I have both 1st grades, then both 8th grades. Talk about a change in gears! I have to admit, I was looking forward to meeting the 8th grade all week. I was also told by sources that the 8th grade is awesome. This time my sources were right. What a great bunch of kids! I love being sarcastic and joking with this age group. They are so young yet soon heading into a whole new world. My hopes for them is to not only teach them about music but guide them towards becoming respectful young adults. They seem to already be on their way. What a difference a year makes...7th grade monsters, 8th grade sweethearts!
     I also had lunchroom duty today with grades 1-3. Why do companies make it so difficult to open their products? They should really do some research on that. Maybe ask the question, "Who is eating this and how can we make it accessible to them?"  Really! Isn't that their job? I suppose they don't really care what happens after they've made their money, but it's something to think about. Our school doesn't have a playground so they block off the street so the kids can run around. How ironic! We teach children never to play in the street yet here they are, running around in one at school! I was running around with them as well. Why not? It's fun and such a great way to connect with the younger grades. I remember back to my grade school days and can't help but think how lucky we were to have a HUGE playground. Plus, our recess was really long! These kids have 10 wonder they run around and scream like crazy.
     I want to write more but many things weigh on my mind today. It's kind of backwards that my serenity is in the chaos amongst children. But everything there is all laid out. I know who I will be seeing, what time I will be coming and going, and what I need to get done. Home is so different. I love living alone but find it very difficult to be isolated this way. It's one extreme to another. It doesn't help that my personal life is in transition too. Hmm, how much to share...let's just say, I've never had much luck in the relationship department. And I've gotten myself stuck in a never ending rut that I can't seem to pull myself out of. I like to think that my students, in some way, will pull me out. But that is so unfair to put that burden on them, even though they don't know it. All I can do is pray and try to understand the plan that is set for me. We all know though, that this is tough. I want so badly to have a companion and a family. This thought is like a winter cold. You can medicate it, take care of yourself, and think you're better, but when you least expect it, it comes back 10-fold. This is my cold. I can't shake it. I'm trying like hell though and am determined to fight through it, even if I have to fake that thought to make it happen!
     No school for me tomorrow so I'm not sure if I will write, but we shall see. Enjoy this beautiful weather as the last of summer is near.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 2

     Ok. Everything I said yesterday about loving my job? Forget it!
I'm joking, but it was rough going today. The weather in Chicago is sweltering. If a hurricane came ashore from Lake Michigan, I would not be surprised. It is 85* with heat indexes between 95 and 105*. Picture that times 10 in my classroom. No, this school still does not have air conditioning in all the rooms. Yes, the joke's on me today. Unbearable for the staff. Brutal for the students. All the kids were crazy and I don't blame them. How can anyone concentrate or behave? But, I did the best I could.
     I met the dreaded 7th grade class ( at least that's what the other teachers forewarned me of). I was thinking, "How bad can they really be?" Then I thought my 7th grade music class with Mr. Knoedler. We tortured him! The boys would literally shoot rubberbands and hit him square in the nose. It was crazy! Good thing for him, our class was held right next to the principal's office. When I think back though, I am 99.9% sure he should not have been a teacher. He ended up 'leaving' due to accusations of inappropriate behavior. Either we were masters of deception or something really happened. In any case, we did not treat him with any respect!
     Anyways, back to 7th grade...they were terrible. Well, let me re-phrase that. The me try again...the 'clan' of 4 boys were terrible. I had to put them in time out! How funny. To give them some credit and myself a smidgen of hope, they did end up being much better as the class went on. Ok, let me re-phrase that again...they started behaving much better after I handed out the syllabus with the grading policy and discipline code. Ha! Bet they didn't think in a million years there would be a syllabus for music! But there is and I am SO thankful I took the time to write one up. I believe it will save me in the weeks to come. The 3rd, 4th, and 6th grades were a piece of cake comparatively speaking.
     The great news is at Parents Night tonight, I acquired 12 students for private lessons! 12 already! My goal was 10, but I am very excited that the word is spreading. My students are from all grades so it will be very interesting to see how they progress. My favorite line from a parent tonight after speaking about lesson times was, "Well, you're the professional. Whatever you think."  I had to catch myself from making a joke of that because I am finally starting to see myself as just that. It is a wonderful feeling. Many of the parents simply said thank you for being there. They were so thankful that music would still be a part of their child's education. That makes me feel special and continually thank God for giving me such an amazing gift.
     I didn't think I'd be up for writing much since I was bathing in my own sweat all day, but finally being home, having a glass of wine, and writing really makes my night complete. I've always thought about writing a memoir of sorts and it just makes sense that my motivation to write this experience and my own experiences down already comes from my students. Tres cool:)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day!

     My journey to becoming a music teacher was anything but conventional. According to my parents, I came out of the womb kicking, screaming, and singing. My dad said he would sing the ABCs to me as a baby and I would mimic his voice. Growing up, I started taking piano lessons at the Catholic grade school I attended. My first teacher was Sister Romaine. I remember her having a horrible case of halitosis but she must've done something right cause once I started playing, I never stopped. I would literally get a new piano book, go home, and sit at the piano reading and playing through every song until I was finished with the book. Psychotic child piano player? Yes! But I loved it. The funny thing is that the piano I began to learn on was a beat up old upright with over half the ivorys missing, keys that stuck, keys that didn't play at all, and a pedal that didn't work. Did this stop me? No. Again, my parents always said I was abnormally stubborn even as a child....ok, I still am.
     Anyways, along with piano, I continued singing. I would learn a song from my books, then sing along with it. I would dance and sing around the living room listening to my mother's records including but not limited to: Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Chicago, Simon and Garfunkel, The Grease Soundtrack, and Lionel Richie. Yes, I began developing my ecclectic side at an early age. Since I grew up in the Catholic Church, my only performance opportunities were IN church. I sang and played weekly either at one of two weekly school masses, or on the weekends for regular church. There were a group of us in my grade who really excelled on the musical side, and, to this day, I credit much of my determination and success to that group. We were friendly competitors, always pushing each other to move ahead or catch up.
     Although music has always been a constant and beautiful therapeutic outlet for me, my school years were not so beautiful, especially high school. Let's just say, certain peers and their parents didn't like me "outshining" their children. Without going into too much detail, just picture this: You live in a very small town. You are very talented. You just want to sing. You get to sing through school. You get solos. You win competitions. You are recognized. Your life is made a living hell. You try hang with the "other" crowd to gain friends. You make poor decisions to fit in. You make more poor decisions to fit in. You decide to get as far away from your small town as possible as soon as possible. You go to college 4 hours away. You don't move home for the summer.
     That brings us to my college experience. Brace yourselves, it's long and hard to follow, but I promise I will be as swift as possible. I began college at UW-Milwaukee. No schools would accept me into their voice program since I hadn't had professional training but I was accepted into the Piano Performance program. Wow! That was so crazy. I was practicing for 3-5 hours a day, locked in a practice room, trying to get other homework finished and study for exams, taking voice lessons, doing master classes, working, partying, and I'm sure other things which need not be mentioned. We've all been to college!
     Well, it was too much. I got caught up once again with the "other" crowd. You see, I never felt like I fit in. To be honest, I still don't. I'm somewhat of a loner yet I crave the acceptance and love of others. I was so young and naive and...stupid. I dropped out of school after almost 2 years, packed my bags, and moved to Florida. Classic first mistake: I moved for a guy. A guy I barely knew. It was awful. I had a terrible time there but was too prideful and STUBBORN to come home. I thought everyone would label me a loser. Finally, a friend of mine said something I will never forget. She said, "Stacy, you need to go home. Home misses you." I don't know why that had such an impact, but it did. I packed my car with what I could, had my parents wire me gas money, and drove straight for 24 hours until I reached home.
     During my time home, I was in contact with a company out of Baltimore. They had seen a video of me singing and playing piano on the Internet and were interested in working with me. I really thought it was legit especially since my parents were involved, checking things out. The company moved me to Baltimore and I began 'working' with them. They claimed they would take care of all expenses for the first 3 months. But, being the loner and stubborn independent I am, I was not comfortable fully relying on someone else to take care of me. So, I got a job. I got a really fun and well paying job. I became the promotions manager at a bar, a bar with themes...typical? Of course not! That wouldn't be me. Needless to say, the company and I did not work out but I had really gained some close friends in Baltimore and stayed. I had enrolled in a couple of classes at the city college, I was singing regularly with my singer boyfriend. I went camping. I traveled to NYC, Philly, Ocean City, AC, and DC. I stayed for almost 3 years.
                                               Then one morning, everything changed.
     My dad had been blowing up my phone all morning. I had worked the night before and was so tired I didn't answer. It was almost as if I subconsciously knew something was wrong. Finally, I called him back. He was very serious. Too serious. He asked me to sit down. Now my heart was pounding. Me, "What's wrong dad? What happened?" Him, "David was killed in a car accident last night." Me, "What? You're joking." Him, "No Stacy, he's gone..."  What I did next, I'm not sure of the order, but it was something like this: Screams. Hysterical Crying. Asking over and over if he was telling the truth. More Crying. More screaming. Sadness. So much sadness. My heart wasn't broken, it was gone. I immediately knew I needed to go home, and right now!!! But I couldn't. I was 1,000 miles away!!! Someone, PLEASE come and get me. Take me home. PLEASE!!! But it took 24 hours to get home. I will always be grateful to my Aunt Gayle for driving from DC to pick me up and take me to the airport. To book a ticket with her miles. To be there for me during that horrible time. Thank you.
     I made it home and anyone who has had a loved one pass away, knows what comes next. Oh! I forgot to tell you,  David is my brother. My closest sibling out of 3. We were so close. He even went to UWM cause I did. He sang and played instruments. He made everyone laugh. He had an ability to make everyone love him. He is my brother. My precious Dave. Granted, we had some rocky times before he passed, but I'll save that story for another time. Many other things happened between my family during the days, weeks, and months after my brother's death, but again, that is for another time. I didn't go back to Baltimore. My dad, uncle, and 2 cousins drove out, loaded my stuff, and brought me home. Thank you.
     I didn't have a clue what I would do next. I wanted to be home but sadness was running so thick, I was drowning in it. It was a horrible time. I couldn't take it all in this way. So, I moved again. This time to Chicago. With my older brother and now sister-in-law. Many things happened during this time as well, but not the time to get into it. After getting a job at the Chicago Board of Trade and starting to find a small sliver of stability in my life, I began to seriously think about what I wanted to be when I grew up. I knew music wouldn't go away. I knew I could change another's life with it. I knew I loved children. I knew I wanted to teach. And I knew I was scared to death of that. To be successful? Me? That wouldn't be my 'norm'. But, after much persuading by my family and friends, I decided to just do it.
     I enrolled in one class at Harold Washington just to see if I could even function in the classroom anymore. After all, it had been 7 years! Wow, how time flies. Well, I didn't die so I enrolled fully and picked up where I had left off so many years before. Turns out, I actually excelled in school. I graduated HWC with a 4.0! Yay, my first goal accomplished! Then I transferred to North Park University. I took summer classes and maxed out my semester credits. I was on a mission to graduate and as quickly as possible. Guess what? I wasn't such a bad student there either, graduating Cum Laude. After working part-time with Saint Patrick High School during their spring semester and dutifully searching for a job, I finally, finally found one.
     In truth, it was not the job of choice. I wanted to be in a high school not elementary. I wanted full-time not part-time. I wanted public not private. But, the principal was so endearing and welcoming, I just knew God had a plan. After my first day, I am so thankful to be in my position. So far, I have already fallen in love with my students. They are so honest, bright, energetic, and smart! It's going to be a great year. A quick few things about today: A 5th grade teacher stopped in my room after class and wanted to tell me that her kids loved music. She very much sounded in disbelief that anyone could get a 5th grader to like anything! That makes me feel so good. A kindergartener had a bloody nose and two 2nd graders were bleeding...not too many casualties for my first day. Thank you teachers for sharing your band-aids with me. Oh, and the majority of the 7th grade were actually interested in my "Glee Club" choir I want to start. This is excellent. I knew the kids would be responsive. All they need is some encouragement, enthusiasm, and positivity ( I don't think this is a word but it should be!) 
     Wow, I have been typing for a long time. I hope you aren't too winded if you've made it this far. I will be writing about many more classroom stories and other things that come to mind. See you soon!